Mammoth Mountain & June Mountain Ski Areas UHF/VHF Systems
I posted information on the Mammoth Mountain and June Mountain Ski Areas radio systems on the data submission sticky thread. Those of you intereseted in these radio systems should take a look.
The following radio call sign and "code" information is probably not the type of information that would fit on the database. For those who visit Mammoth and want to figure out what they are hearing, the following should help you:
Mammoth /June Department Numbering (Call Signs) Radio Channel Used shown in bold
1 Administration
1-0 Rusty Gregory, CEO 2A and others
1-1 Dave McCoy, Founder and former owner
1-1 General Manager and Marketing Director, June Mountain “June 1”
1-2 General Manager and Marketing Director Assistant, June Mountain “June 1”
1-2 Hill Safety/Lift Maintenance 2A, 3A
1-3 to 1-8 Telecommunications 11C
1-11 & 1-12 Risk Management 2A
1-14 Facilities Management
2 Slope Maintenance (Grooming) 4A
3 Ski Patrol
3-0 General Manager, Mountain Operations 2A
3-1 Ski Patrol Director
3-2 to 3-8 Mammoth Mountain Ski Patrol 1A
3-9 to 3-11 June Mountain Ski Patrol “June 3”
4 Lift Maintenance 3A
5 Lift Operations (Bike Park Ops. Summer) 2A
6 Snow Placement (Snow Removal/Snowmaking)/Lift Construction 5A
6-1 General Manager, Mountain Maintenance 4A, 5A
7 Lift Electrical Maintenance 3A
8 Security 10A, 10C
9 Miscellaneous Services
9-0 to 9-14 Building Maintenance 11A
9-24 to 9-29 Mammoth Mountain Inn Guest Services 12A
9-30 to 9-45 Staff Accommodations 151.955 (82.5)
10 Not Used
11 Mammoth Mountain Inn Housekeeping 12A
12-1 Race Department Director
12-2+ Race Department 6A & Old CH’s 1, 2, 3, or 4 (When Trunked System Busy)
12-10+ Terrain Parks “Unbound” (Snowboard Play and Skill Areas) 6C
13-1 Director of the Sports School, Main Lodge (Goes by “Craig” on channel 7A) 7A
13-2 Director of the Sports School, Canyon Lodge (Goes by “Sandy” on channel 8A) 8A
13-3 Assistant Director of the Sports School, Main Lodge (Goes by “Finlay” on channel 7A) 7A
13-4+ Transportation 14A, 14B, 14C
14 June Mountain Lift and Electrical Maintenance “June 3”
15 June Mountain Building Maintenance “June 1”
16 June Mountain Ski School Supervisors “June 1”
17 June Mountain Snow Removal “June 1”
18 June Mountain Lift Operations “June 1”
19 Mammoth Mountain Host Department 2A & 2C
19-1 Host Program Administrator
19-2 Host Program Canyon Lodge
19-3 Host Supervisor Canyon Lodge
19 June Mountain Slope Maintenance “June 1”
20 Mammoth Mountain Lift Access (Lift Ticket Use Management) 2A
G4+ Panorama Gondola Crew 2B
PB+ #’s Piston Bully Snow Cats (Grooming) 4A, 4B, & 4C
B+ #’s Buses: Red Line (Main Lodge & Main Streets in Town) 14A
Blue, Green, & Yellow Lines (Canyon & Little Eagle Lodges) 14C
Orange Line (Tamarack Lodge & Cross Country Ski Center) 14C
-- Parking Shuttle (Main Lodge) 14B, (Canyon Lodge) 14C
-- Parking Control (Main Lodge) 14B, (Canyon Lodge) 14C
-- Last or first names for Hosts 2C, Seasonal Ski Patrol 1A, Maids 12A - 151.955/460.500 Both (67.0)
-- “Top of + #(s)” Ski Patrol personnel stationed at top of chair lifts 1A
-- “Top of the World” Ski Patrol/first aid station located at the top of the Panorama Gondola 1A
-- Some personnel will use a department number followed their first or last names, or just their last name such as “19 Phil” for a ski host and “Fisher” for a ski patrol.
Base Stations
Mammoth Mountain Canyon Lodge June Mountain
541 Communications Center 1-15
641 Canyon Lodge Compressor Building 5A
741 Main Office “June 1” VHF 1, 2, 4
642 Canyon Lodge Office 2A
743 June Mountain Ski Patrol Office “June 3”
760 Main Lodge Cafeteria [/FONT]
542 Employee Housing Base 151.955
643 Canyon Lodge Ski Patrol Office 1A
744 Ticket Office “June 1”
543 Ski Patrol Main Lodge * 1A
660 Canyon Lodge Cafeteria
747 Garage “June 1”
544 Garage 5B
545 Lift Operations HQ 3A
546 Administration 2A
547 Cat Crew HQ 4A Little Eagle Lodge
549 Housekeeping (Mammoth Mountain Inn) 12A
550 Inn Front Desk 10A, 11A, 12A, & 12C Nothing assigned as of 4/05
560 Main Lodge Cafeteria
561 McCoy Station
* AKA “The Room”
If I didn't pick up all the errors reading this infor in all 5's are Main Lodge base stations, all 6's are Canyon Lodge base stations, and all 7's are June Mountain base stations. At some point a number will probably be assigned to Eagle Lodge (near Chair 15) as construction on the permanent facility there may start in the next couple of years. Sorry the above is out of order as I had to insert this information from my notes and editing it to read correctly for this post is proving to be quite difficult.
Base 1 Transportation Control, Main Lodge 14A
19 Office Host Department Main Lodge Office 2C
Base 2 Transportation Control, Canyon 14C
Control Main Lodge Compressor Building 5A
20 Office Ski Area Business Management
GS-1 Main Lodge Area Gondola Station 2B Office 2A
GS-2 McCoy (Mid) Gondola Station 2B
GS-3 Top of the Mountain Gondola Station 2B
JSL Juniper Springs Lodge 464.500 & 464.550 Both (67.0) & 13C for Van Shuttle
Gun 1 Avalanche gun near top of chair 1
Gun 2 Avalanche gun near Lincoln Mtn.
Gun 3 Avalanche gun northeast of Red Lk.
Tamarack Lodge
“Tamarack Base” Tamarack Lodge 151.955 (67.0)
Codes (thought to be unique to Mammoth/June)
Code 2 Urgent
Code 3 Life threatening emergency - stay off radio until Code secured
Code Blue Toilet Stopped Up
Burrito Mammoth/June ski patrol uses this term for equipment loaded on a toboggan or sled which carriers the injured. The equipment carried is not known by the author, but probably gets wrapped up in a blanket.
MFA Malicious False Alarm * In reference to a reported injury/accident.
RGS Returned to Groomed Surface (Used by Mammoth Snowmobile Adventures)
RTB Returned to Boarding *
RTC Returned to Carpet * (The magic carpets are moving platforms to lift novice skiers up a very short and nearly flat run for instructional purposes)
RTD Meaning Unknown * (Possibly involves a guest who has been driving or drinking)
RTS Returned to Skiing *
RTW Returned to Walking *
SFR Short Form Release * A liability release signed by a guest who decides not to continue in the ski patrol’s care.
* Ski patrol use for injury/accident disposition
DNF Did Not Finish (Race Department)
DNS Did Not Start (Race Department)
DQ Disqualified (Race Department)
10 Codes are standard APCO (Association of Public-safety Communications Officials) except for:
10-21 Call your base
10-43 Message delivered
10-50 Emergency traffic
10-60 Lift stoppage due to unknown reasons
10-C Non-injured guest carried in toboggan towed behind snowmobile w/ski patrol behind toboggan with rope attached for control
10-R Courtesy snowmobile ride for guest
10-75 Accident involving Mountain vehicle/bus
10-83 Lost child
10-100 Bus driver bathroom break
That's about it except for a 4-5 page list of ski area terminology and slang which is used by lift maintenance and ski patrol personnel. I will not post it unless someone asks. I've gathered the definitions after careful listening over the 18 years I've lived within reception range of these ski areas.
Hope someone can use this information.