...Why am I having so much trouble setting up the SKywarn freq in my pro-97? Is there a file lisiting that I can download? This is def new to me!
Thank You
The frequency really depends on what area you are in. Check out http://www.ctskywarn.com/ and scroll about halfway down. I cannot verify the accuracy though since I am not in your area.
Westcon or Western Conn Traffic Net is 147.18 PL141.3 in prospect, 147.12 PL141.3 in Danbury and 145.41 PL141.3 in Vernon. The 147.41 in vernon has a vary big foot print. All the skywarn repeater in the state can be linked to each other and NWS can link in via the internet. You can find this at http://www.ctskywarn.com/ as stated before.