Software info

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Jun 22, 2006
I have a BCD396T. I also have downloaded the software from the uniden websight.What do I do next ? Not sure how to use this websight and the software together.


Dec 19, 2002
I have a Uniden BC780XLT and a BC796 scanner. The software i use and had NO problems with is from a company called Butel. The website is Once there, go to the product area and all of the software is listed for all the radios.


loumaag said:
Moved to the Uniden Forum.
This is a I'm "not sure how to use...the software" question. Why was it moved from the Scanning Software Discussion and Support forum? What is that particular forum for if not support with using scanning software?
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Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
NWTSCL said:
This is a I'm "not sure how to use...the software" question. Why was it moved from the Scanning Software Discussion and Support forum? What is that particular forum for if not support with using scanning software?
Well since you are sticking your nose into something that really doesn't concern you and at the same time spreading inaccurate statements, I guess I will respond instead of just ignoring you (or just deleting your post).

The original post was not in the Scanning Software Discussion and Support forum as you claim, it was in the General Scanning Forum. I had a choice of where to move it and felt this poster would get a better answer here in the Uniden forum than anywhere else based on what he was asking and his previous recent postings.

Once again, you have shown your ability to waste my time, I really wish you would go away for good, but I don't have the final say on that, if I did you would be history along with your alternate ID's.


May 20, 2006
Kokomo, IN
JWS49656 said:
I have a BCD396T. I also have downloaded the software from the uniden websight.What do I do next ? Not sure how to use this websight and the software together.

Congrats on a great scanner. Uniden makes very capable software but it doesn't interface directly with the database here at RR. To program, you need to carefully retype in the systems you want to scan in your area.

My suggestion and how I got familiar with my BCD996T is to work on one system at a time and to use a similar system that is already programmed into the scanner as a guide. That really can help.

Once you have one system working, then make a few changes to see what all the options/settings do. It seems painfully slow as you read it but that worked for me.

The other option is to get the software from BuTel that BMET_Matt mentioned. One of the great features is you can interface directly with the DB here at RR. You avoid all the typing and chance of typos and the software builds the systems for you. That is a great time saver. BuTel also might open up additional features that the Uniden software doesn't. It is free to try I beleive so give it a while!


Jan 15, 2006
Witness Protection Program
loumaag said:
Well since you are sticking your nose into something that really doesn't concern you and at the same time spreading inaccurate statements, I guess I will respond instead of just ignoring you (or just deleting your post).

The original post was not in the Scanning Software Discussion and Support forum as you claim, it was in the General Scanning Forum. I had a choice of where to move it and felt this poster would get a better answer here in the Uniden forum than anywhere else based on what he was asking and his previous recent postings.

Once again, you have shown your ability to waste my time, I really wish you would go away for good, but I don't have the final say on that, if I did you would be history along with your alternate ID's.

Sing it, sister. Amen....
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