creeperjeep: When I corrected the above typo, I did a FCC search and learned it was a business channel. So I went back in history to see how they got this business frequency in the 1st place.
On 4/6/2005 they specifically requested to add on 452.5875, filed for a FCC waiver of rule "Authorized by waiver of Rule 90.20(c)(3) granted 7/27/05 ". So they "claimed" there were no more UHF public safety frequencies available, wanting 452.5875 regardless. Now 452.5875 is not just a business frequency, it's specifically allocated as "LA - Automobile Emergency Coordinator", which is for AAA towing or private towing companies. My opinion is the 452.5875 frequency was very clean in western MA, so they specifically picked it to obtain it for public safety. The above link is the 4/6/2005 application and they provided an attachment/waiver asking the FCC to approve it, which hit was.
The FCC allocation chart has certain frequencies (public safety & business) allocated for certain reasons. In business, there are VHF & UHF frequencies for "oil spill disasters & environmental clean up", and you can only get granted a license if you are using it for that usage, so certain frequencies have no one licensed on them in MA, or CT, or NH, or ME, for example...