I just had an idea, go to sera.org. That is a frequency co-ordination orginazition for the southern area of Virginia (as well as other states in the southeastern part of the U.S., including West Virgina. They put out a publication called Repeater Journal. Most, if not all repeaters that you are looking for are listed there. The Journal is published four times a year. There is an annual membership fee involved, but it is really worth it. Another source is the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League). When you get your ticket, it is well worth joining. They put out a repeater book (in travel and desk size) that covers the enitire U.S.. You get a discount on items that they offer for sale if you are a member. When I looked at both the SERA and Repeater Journal today, there were just too many entries for the areas that you are looking for to post on this Fourm. If you have any questions, please feel free to post. By the way, good luck on your exam.