Stafford Co. 700 Mhz. Trunked - Update
A few facts;
The system is NOT encrypted in total. A few police and a few fire TGs are; the majority are in the clear. The coded TGs are for law enforcement sensitive matters; administrative/command matters and patient (HIPPA) privacy.
(Thank you, Stafford County for allowing us to continue to monitor what our taxpayer money has funded - radios, systems, dispatchers and county personnel in the various department. You did what was right!)
It is a P25 Phase 1 system. Going to Phase 2 is not in the immediate future, but is a possibility. (I'm guessing money will be hard to come by and the need/justification may not be there for some time).
The system will be better than existing 800 systems in NoVa/DC in design and features. In fact, there are system features that the county can "grow into," such as GPS tracking and data transmission, etc. when the need and funding exist.
The system design is designed for portable to tower use, far better than designing it for mobile to tower use. Penetration into buildings tested so far is very encouraging.
The features selected/enabled make sense, as does the fleet map. This, in part at least, to the committee put together from among police, fire and rescue personnel, led by a very personable and knowledgable county comms staffer. (No, no one paid me to say this; nor I am a brown noser, but I am a fair shooter and call them as I see them).
Interoperability to adjoining systems in the counties to the South, West, North and even into Charles Co., Md.; maritime band; VHF Fire and EMS is all there.
The change from the "traditional" NoVa TG designation (4A, 4B, 4C) to Dispatch, Incident 1, Tac1A, etc. is due to technical changes at Motorola, not an outcome of some desire by the county personnel.
All in all, sounds like a really sound design, system and equipment.
So far the sheriff's dept. has been on the system with good results for about 2 weeks. Feb. 1 the Fire/Rescue folks switch over.