A unique system of dispatching in Stark County will come to an end January 31, 2008. V-Comm who presently dispatches for Quad Ambulance, Magnolia Fire, Robertsville Fire, Sandy Township Fire and Waynesburg Fire will cease operations on this date. V-Comm was unique for having a system in which four ladies rotated 24 hour shifts dispatching from their homes. They were featured in a December 2006 Firehouse magazine article. All of the above agencies will now be dispatched by Cencomm which is the former Stark Complete Dispatch now run by Nimishillen Township at their brand new state-of-the-art dispatch center located at Nimishillen Township station #3.
I would personally like to thank each of these fine ladies for their years of service and dedication to emergency services.
I would personally like to thank each of these fine ladies for their years of service and dedication to emergency services.