I chased down the South Hill site today, and ran PRO96COM for about half-hour.
Tower ID: 124 (TO118)
Callsign: none found
WACN: none found
CC: 159.2175
Alt CC: 151.1675
Voice: 151.1675
Coverage is pretty good south of Kenbridge, but pretty much disappears a couple miles east of town. VSP Richmond 1 was the only TG heard, and during the half-hour or so that I ran PRO96COM, there were no new affiliations or unaffiliations.
I also got to experience how dead it is around Blackstone and up 153 towards 360. No wonder they were testing it the other week.
I discovered a neat thing about the PRO-96. I program all the banks with STARS and unlock only one site per bank. As I'm driving along, banks with CC's that the radio doesn't hear or recognize do not scan. On 153, the blinking cursor disappared for miles at a time. When it returned, it might only scan two banks--which contained CC's that it recognized as such. It was very interesting driving along and watching the various sites come and go with the terrain.
North of Kenbridge, Leigh Mountain seemed to dominate, but east of Blackstone, it got intermittent. It gives spotty coverage to southern 153, and Cumberland gives spotty coverage to the northern part.
73/Allen (N4JRI)
Tower ID: 124 (TO118)
Callsign: none found
WACN: none found
CC: 159.2175
Alt CC: 151.1675
Voice: 151.1675
Coverage is pretty good south of Kenbridge, but pretty much disappears a couple miles east of town. VSP Richmond 1 was the only TG heard, and during the half-hour or so that I ran PRO96COM, there were no new affiliations or unaffiliations.
I also got to experience how dead it is around Blackstone and up 153 towards 360. No wonder they were testing it the other week.
I discovered a neat thing about the PRO-96. I program all the banks with STARS and unlock only one site per bank. As I'm driving along, banks with CC's that the radio doesn't hear or recognize do not scan. On 153, the blinking cursor disappared for miles at a time. When it returned, it might only scan two banks--which contained CC's that it recognized as such. It was very interesting driving along and watching the various sites come and go with the terrain.
North of Kenbridge, Leigh Mountain seemed to dominate, but east of Blackstone, it got intermittent. It gives spotty coverage to southern 153, and Cumberland gives spotty coverage to the northern part.
73/Allen (N4JRI)