Starting SoSac/Elk Grove feed, any suggestions?

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Premium Subscriber
Sep 21, 2008
Would like to be a feed provider for So Sacramento, Elk Grove area. Looks pretty well covered. Any suggestions? I live close to CHP so. station, considering a CHP south only feed if I can build a good enough antenna. What do we need in South Sac & EG? Also within range of Galt, Lodi, some CalFire. Have multiple radios to commit. What you wanna hear. Can also pick up Del Taco drive through just for fun! Any suggestions considered. Also, do HAM repeater feeds need ok by station operator? Enjoy Radio Reference. Mike @ KJ6LPS. THX


Active Member
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
San Mateo, Ca
Would like to be a feed provider for So Sacramento, Elk Grove area. Looks pretty well covered. Any suggestions? I live close to CHP so. station, considering a CHP south only feed if I can build a good enough antenna. What do we need in South Sac & EG? Also within range of Galt, Lodi, some CalFire. Have multiple radios to commit. What you wanna hear. Can also pick up Del Taco drive through just for fun! Any suggestions considered. Also, do HAM repeater feeds need ok by station operator? Enjoy Radio Reference. Mike @ KJ6LPS. THX

Welcome to RR Live audio.

Del Taco drive through or other businesses like that will be denied.

Please see here for what RR Live Audio feed providers are not allowed to broadcast:
Radioreference Terms of Service (TOS).
Law Enforcement Feeds - TOS Clarifications

We also do not allow exact duplications of existing feeds.

So you will need to look at the existing feeds & see what they are broadcasting.

You can broadcast different combinations of existing but not duplicating.

Some Possible Broadcast Suggestions:
CHP GG Division for the Sac Area
CAL Fire for the Sac Area
Sacramento County Sheriff (only)
Sacramento City Police (only)
Other area Cities Police & or Fire that are not broadcast.


Mar 5, 2007
CHP is not covered for south sac area, it's BLK2 VAL B and BLK2 VAL M. They also are testing the 700 MHz CHPERS Vehicle Repeater System (VRS07 Black and VRS12 Black), but haven't heard anything on those freq's yet.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
South Sac

Would like to be a feed provider for So Sacramento, Elk Grove area. Looks pretty well covered. Any suggestions?
I am not sure of how many separate feeds/radios/channels; but something covering "all" of South Sac law enforcement should include:

-SSD channel 3
-Sac Pd channel 4
-EG PD (various channels)
CHP Black2 (both sides)

Galt talks a lot
Lodi doesn't seem all that interesting plus is in SJ county. That would no longer make it just "south sac".

Again, if you're keeping it to just south Sac, then Cal Fire seems out of place. Yeah I know they are called for mutual aid but you'd end up hearing a lot of stuff out of county. If that's what you want, fine; but then it's no longer just "south sac".
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