As for Salt Fork, enforcement use TG 48800 MARCS and maint use TG 49008 MARCS. As for Bark Camp I have no idea but would suspect they may also use the MARCS system. I would suggest you check out Belmont county in the data base, I believe most communications take place on the Belmont trunked system.
Barkcamp uses a couple of talkgroups on the Belmont County system. As for listening to the Park Rangers on MARCS, that is not going to happen,
all State Park Rangers (Enforcement) use full time encryption. You can however hear the maintenance personnel, they are in the clear.
If you get a chance, use the sweeper function on your PSR-500 to see if you can find the Rangers' MRE frequencies. You should hear those in the clear.
Mark is correct most traffic is encrypted on MARCS for the "Rangers. You can also find traffic on the Mutual aid talkgroup from the Sheriffs office that the park is in and the maintenance talkgroup as they will talk with the park manager and staff about ongoing events.
i have heard traffic on the ondr calling sometimes it not much but i would still program them in your scanner.
Now anyone up by sandusky ohio hear any activity from watercraft or odnr in the clear. i figure the summers coming i better program them in to see if i can get any hits
I know the wildlife officers with the odnr uses encryption full time but the who am i hearing in the clear on talk groups27088-nw calling,32912-sw calling,3296-central calling? Sounds like wildlife officers calling dispatch.usually i do not hear the dispatch side!