Will stereo headphones (both ears) work in a 396T? Does sound come out of both ear pieces? I know I can purchase an adapter if not. Just wondering if it will work without the adapter. Nothing to test here. Thanks
Can't say for the 396T but the 246T does send audio out to both sides of a stereo headset w/o need of a mono adapter. Haul it to Radio Shack to "test drive" some of their headphones...........you get the picture...or, it says it will right in my manual. Maybe yours does too.
Yes, I can pretend to be an `pod-head while listening to my 396t and the sound is sent to both earbuds. But after some looking I decided to get a single earbud (http://www.listentech.com/products/LA-161_overview.php). A pair (keeping one for a spare) set me back well under $20 and they work great.