Mid Atlantic Milair Forum?
The following might serve as an example of why there are a few messages outwith the 'area'
0000- 2 SPURs holding for Minot BUFFs. Link - SPUR 71-72 and GRIMM 01.
Obviously the buffs are going somewhere and a bigger view is interesting.
Currently we have LAGER182 and 183 (KC-135 pair AE0659 59-1464 and AE04C3 59-1470) at Mildenhall prepping for departure. Could they be to support the buffs this side of the pond perhaps?
Information aids intelligence and adds interest (or that's how I see it from this side of the pond!)
08:10 LAGER182 flight up and direct ERKIT, 270.050 for Swanwick (globaltuners/spyservers network etc have some receivers that you could get them on in the absence of American style streaming)
08:28 Now direct TLA
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