A Simple Question
Okay it's time to chime in! The feed was taken down because the feed provider had to use his internet resources for other things that are more important to the business he is in. It is not some conspiracy from the City of Stillwater or any other wacky reason I have read. It was flattering and appreciated for all the listeners but the truth is if you are local and want to listen to Stillwater go buy yourself a police scanner. A simple VHF/UHF scanner will work just fine and can purchased at or just below $100.00 You can get both a handheld or base. I'm sure the Radio Shack here in town will not mind your business and will be more then happy to assist you in your new purchase. Happy Scanning!
I am so sorry if I offended any long time, highly educated and professional scan people.
PJ, I have appreciated and have felt ever so grateful for your help. I did not *intend* to be wild or wacky. I had a simple question, for which I was hoping for an answer. Moreover, I do hope *whomever* had this feed up and has taken it down for his business is ever more successful.
Nonetheless, In fact, I do understand probably better than you know the workings of our city council and Mr. Galloway. But that is an aside and not pertinent to the case.
I did send you a private message regarding the equipment you wished to sell, but did not receive a reply (snarky or otherwise). I do have a handheld scanner and I do listen to it daily. I do have two very special friends who are officers with PD. I am sure they would be more than willing to help with any questions I might have - better than Radio Shack.
What definitely would have been appreciated even more would have been a heads-up on the fact the feed was going to be taken down and when it would be disconnected. The primary reason I use this service is for the archiving. In my research, it is critical to have an archived recording for reference.
Again, PJ, I am very sorry to have offended your *sensibility* in this matter.
Now, if someone please could give me some advice on archiving which may or may not use RR, that would be good manners.