Do you get anything for submitting new freqs to the database? There should be some credit for submitting new info.. for example, it should say next to the freq (submited by [RR Username]).... just a thought
Actually back in the Trunked Radio Net days that is exactly what was done. It caused so many problems for so many people that Lindsay dropped it entirely when we moved to RadioReference. It is unlikely that the practice will ever be revived.
Is some record kept of who submits info? It might be useful to know who keeps insisting on reuploading obsolete or incorrect data, on the few occasions when an update feud might occur.
Is some record kept of who submits info? It might be useful to know who keeps insisting on reuploading obsolete or incorrect data, on the few occasions when an update feud might occur.
Yes a record is kept (always has). Indeed with the Ver 3 update we (the DB Admins) have the ability to mark the quality of submissions and that becomes part of the user's profile available to us for future reference.