Subscription Info

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Silent Key
Dec 15, 2000
New Braunfels, TX
The Wiki information on subscriptions should contain a disclaimer at the very beginning that data and forums remain free to everyone. People are copying the subscription information and posting it on other sites and saying that everyone must pay to use the site.

It is so sad in America that when you become number one in anything everybody starts taking potshots at you.



Nov 14, 2004
Tucson, Arizona
Won't they be surprised? :)

They should really take the time to read an understand the whole page. For the Scanner enthusiast I can not see where you could get more for less.


Silent Key
Jul 25, 2005
Kearns, Utah
n4voxgill said: and forums remain free to everyone.
Not true. I am a donating member and I just recently tried to access information in the Data Base for Sanpete County in Utah. The Web site told me that the information was only available to donating members and would not allow me to proceed. Agreed that most information is available for free, but some of the information is definitely only available for donating members. I donated one year ago so I suppose that my authorized access has expired, but that is never explained anywhere I have seen on this site. The Wiki page may have something on it, but I am simply too frustrated to read through that thing.

I then attempted to take out a one year subscription, but the Web site was much less than helpful. Every time I input the required information I would get a reply that the session had expired and I must start over.

Part of this may be my fault because I will not go through PayPal. They are a huge target for attack and that happened again just last week. They were spoofed by an attacker in China who even used SSL encryption on the spoofed site. I attempted to pay directly with my credit card which issues me a one-time-only use number and the Web site kept telling me the session had expired. (Story here)

So how do I get a subscription or make a donation so I can access the information I want?

Why has Radio Reference made this so difficult?
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
"They were spoofed by an attacker in China who even used SSL encryption on the spoofed site. "

No they were not. People that clicked an email (STUPID STUPID STUPID) were tricked into giving out their info. Paypal has never been hacked and is entirely safe.

On to the rest of your rant ;>

Moral of the story - NEVER click an email link and enter your password. Do it manually.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
qlajlu said:
Not true. I am a donating member and I just recently tried to access information in the Data Base for Sanpete County in Utah. The Web site told me that the information was only available to donating members and would not allow me to proceed....

Why has Radio Reference made this so difficult?
No, what is not true is your statement. If you, as a donating member (see that icon in your membership line at the top of any post of yours) you can access any information that any other donating member can access. However you must be logged in. Not just to the forums but to the site in general. The site (and database) and the forums have separate log-ins and you must be logged into the site to access the additional value added parts of the DB. Next time you run into that difficulty, look at the left side of the blue header line just below where it says "Radio; Your complete reference source". You will see what the problem is.

As to how it is easy, it can't be any easier than it is, your fear of PayPal is unjustified and with a PayPal payment the process is automatic and instant. How much easier can it be? If you choose to use snail mail and issue a check/money order, you are the one not making it easy, not RR.


Well Known Member
Database Admin
Jul 3, 2003
As far as the DB, I'm not sure how you got that message..You do not even have to be a registered user to access the DB..Anyone can come right in and get right to it..


Silent Key
Dec 15, 2000
New Braunfels, TX
blantonl said:
Where are you seeing this happen? .

In the CFLG yahoo group (Central Florida Listeners Group) a person not only quoted by included the link to the wiki. The poster complained you couldn't get any info unless paid member. I corrected him and he has not posted anything since.

But if you followed his link to the subscription information, you don't see anything about data information still is free. This makes it easy to take the requirement out of context and create confusion.

On the BC396 group they have had a long battle going about what is free and what requries subscription.

I just think its good to prevent confusion by including the statement.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
scanner_freak said:
As far as the DB, I'm not sure how you got that message..You do not even have to be a registered user to access the DB..Anyone can come right in and get right to it..
If youi are logged out, there are various messages that pop up about "This service is for donating members only" but it does not bar you from looking at the DB, just those things like the list of most current licenses issued, PDF's, etc.

To try and compare I tried logging out just now and found an interesting thing happening. I went to the home page of the site, clicked the "Log Out" link, the page came back saying I was logged out, about 2 seconds later the page refreshes and I am logged back in again! :confused:

Guess later on I will delete my cookies and see if I can really get logged off. :D


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans

First, thank your for your post, and your previous donation.

I am going to address each of your concerns below:

qlajlu said:
Not true. I am a donating member and I just recently tried to access information in the Data Base for Sanpete County in Utah. The Web site told me that the information was only available to donating members and would not allow me to proceed. Agreed that most information is available for free, but some of the information is definitely only available for donating members.

You are very mistaken. All of the information in the database is accessable by all users. It does not make sense in any way shape or form for me to restrict access to data that has been submitted and verified by the population.

However, I have written a number of reports, and ability to display the information in easier to use formats, which users who have donated/subscribed only have access to. General access to all the data is free, has always been free, and will always be free.

I donated one year ago so I suppose that my authorized access has expired, but that is never explained anywhere I have seen on this site. The Wiki page may have something on it, but I am simply too frustrated to read through that thing.

Well, frankly your fustration is your issue, not mine. If you put your fustration behind you and just read thru the wiki page, many many of your questions would be answered.

First off, you are still clasified as a donating user, and starting on July 1st you will receive a complimentary subscription based upon your donation, with an added bonus of extra subscription time for being a "legacy" supporter of the web site. Therefore, the clock hasn't even started counting down yet for expiration of your subscription. Either you are not logged into the main site, or you didn't carefully read the authorization message, or you are logged on as another person. Because you were able to post this message above, I suspect it is the former.

Part of this may be my fault because I will not go through PayPal.


They are a huge target for attack and that happened again just last week. They were spoofed by an attacker in China who even used SSL encryption on the spoofed site.

Spoofed sites and phishing attacks happen to every major financial institution, including the bank that I do business with. Every financial company that has an internet presence is a target.

I attempted to pay directly with my credit card which issues me a one-time-only use number and the Web site kept telling me the session had expired.

This is clearly either:

1. You blocking cookies on your web browser.
2. Overzealous or misconfigured security software

So how do I get a subscription or make a donation so I can access the information I want?

You already have a subscription. I've even provided a great process for you to view and understand what subscription you will have moving forward on July 1st 2006. Go to:

Why has Radio Reference made this so difficult?

It has become as easy as it can get. I guess I would pose the question to you, why have you made this such a difficult issue? A little patience, maybe a question or two to the forums, and you'd be a happy customer without having to pay a single penny (you've already paid). Heck, your fustrations almost cost you 30 bucks, by taking out another subscription....

Hope this helps,

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