I had re-confirmed the Motorola MotoTRBO Capacity Plus trunked system at Sugarbush. Frequencies 464.5250, 464.6750, 464.7750 & 464.8750 - the repeaters are atop Mount Lincoln, Warren, at the summit ski lift.
They have 3 additional repeaters, located at a different geographic location on 463.4875, 463.8125 & 464.2750, at 271 Moulton Rd, Warren. This site is for fill-in coverage as Lincoln Peak had issues penetrating here. So you have 4 freqs at primary site, and 3 at this 2nd site. Now they all repeat the same traffic as they are both linked together. So if ski patrol is near Lincoln Peak or near the Moulton Rd site, they don't change channel. So I would monitor all 7 in my scanner, or software, as they are all in use, depending on radio traffic, etc.
The last 3 are in the SNE WIKI as "Future Analog" which has been wrong for years now, they are TRBO trunked.