i need help, i have a 32 ch, system 90 that still works however, i need to reprogram it and i can't get any help from batlabs,,. i want to get it back in service.. any help would be great.
Not sure why you say you can't get any help from Batlabs. The site has a bunch of information there on the Syntor X9000. I think that is the radio your talking about.
There is another site called the "repeater builder" that also has some good information on the Syntor X9000. Plus it also has a link to the Mike B site. There you will find a ton of detailed information on the Syntor X9000 radio.
Guess at this point you need to be more specific on just what radio you have, what control head you have and what your trying to do.
You will need the Syntor X9000 software, a programming cable, a RIB and a real slow computer running pure DOS and not DOS inside Windows.
I have a number of the Syntor X9000 radios in service. They are not that hard to work with and program. With a simple EEPROM change in the radio, a jumper change and you can now have from between 128 and 256 channels in the radio. You also will need to check the model of your control head to see if it can do the higher number of channels or need to have an EEPROM change also. All this info is on the Mike B site.
Keep us posted on your efforts.