Syracuse Monitor Logs 8/25 & 8/26, 2007

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2004
Latham, New York
This past weekend my wife & I went to Syracuse for the State Fair and to check out some other places. Here is what I logged with my PRO-97 handheld while in Syracuse:

45.96 (82.5) - Onondaga County Fire Control F-7 Ambulance Dispatch

46.14 (82.5) - Onondaga County Fire Control F-1 Dispatch

151.895 (85.4) - TLC Ambulance

153.950 (82.5) - Syracuse Fire F-1 Dispatch

153.995 (CSQ) - Oswego County Emergency Services - Paging

154.190 (82.5) - Syracuse Fire F-2 Operations

154.650 (107.2) - Onondaga County Law Enforcement F-8 Car to Car

154.665 (110.9) - NYSP F-2 Car to Car Statewide (Fairground Operations)

154.725 (103.5) - Wayne County Sheriff's Department

154.740 (107.2) - Onondaga County Law Enforcement F-1 North Dispatch

154.815 (114.8) - Ontario County Sheriff's Department F-1 Dispatch

154.860 (107.2) - Onondaga County Law Enforcement F-6 SWAT/CID

155.040 (CSQ) - Syracuse Parks & Recreation Department

155.145 (123.0) - Onondaga County Health Department

155.265 (146.2) - Rural / Metro Ambulance F-1 Dispatch

155.280 (141.3) - Cazenovia Area Ambulance

155.295 (146.2) - Rural / Metro Ambulance F-3 Special Events (Fairgrounds Base)

155.415 (107.2) - Onondaga County Law Enforcement F-2 Data & Info

155.640 (107.2) - Onondaga County Law Enforcement F-4 South & West Dispatch

155.685 (107.2) - Onondaga County Law Enforcement F-3 East Dispatch

155.760 (107.2) - Manlius Police F-7 Local Operations

155.820 (167.9) - Van Duyn Home & Hospital - Paging

155.940 (156.7) - Wyoming County E.M.S. Dispatch

452.850 (CSQ) - CENTRO Bus - Data Channel

453.025 (DCS 245) - Memphis Fire Department

453.275 (CSQ) - CENTRO Bus - Data Channel

453.325 (118.8) - CENTRO Bus - Voice Channel

453.575 (77.0) - Elbridge Town - sounded like EMS traffic

453.600 (156.7) - Syracuse Housing Authority

453.700 (131.8) - Syracuse Police Department F-9 Airport Security

453.725 (123.0) - Onondaga County Parks Department

453.850 (CSQ) - Onondaga County Fire Control F-1 Simulcast

453.950 (118.8) - CENTRO Bus - Data?

458.4125 (127.3) - Syracuse Housing Authority - voted receiver link?

460.150 (114.8) - Onondaga County Public Safety Building

460.325 (131.8) - Syracuse Police Department F-1 Command

460.350 (131.8) - Syracuse Police Department F-2 Data & Info

460.375 (131.8) - Syracuse Police Department F-4 South & West Dispatch

460.475 (131.8) - Syracuse Police Department F-3 North & East Dispatch

463.650 (146.2) - Syracuse University Ambulance

The NYSP are using a portable EDACS system at the State Fairgrounds. Each trooper I saw was carrying an MRK II 800 MHz. portable radio. The following frequencies were carrying traffic that I could hear:
868.9375 (CTL-01), 868.950, 868.9625, 868.975 (CTL-04), 868.9875
It is important to note that they are using all digital talkgroups, which on a PRO-97, will NOT display. But I did hear digital traffic on each of those frequencies listed above.

A special thanks to and for helping me identify some of these frequencies.


Dec 26, 2002
I know this post is almost a year old know, but thanks for posting this info. It helped me ID some freqs that I have been hearing on the Canadian side of the border.
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