I had Signal Stalker on in the car yesterday around 6 pm and heard some tactical ops while I was driving near the City Park in Hagerstown. It got a hit on Signal Stalker on 159.405 and then I found them using a tone of 173.8 PL, which is an MSP tone. It sounded like an aircraft due to the hum in the background (I've heard plenty of DEA and ICE aircraft on the air) and he was talking about coordinates and plotting the next target. I had something important to take care of so I had to leave the scanner, but it was a good find regardless.
I know that MSP is supposed to use this freq for the STATE tactical team w/ a tone of 250.3 PL and that NRP uses the freq as well w/ a tone of 731 DPL. I'm going to assume that this is an MSP operation because of the tone being a common MSP tone. Did anyone else catch the ops or are there any ideas as to who else this may be? For it to hit Signal Stalker, it basically had to be over Hagerstown at the time, although I'm sure aerial units could cause hits from further away.
I know that MSP is supposed to use this freq for the STATE tactical team w/ a tone of 250.3 PL and that NRP uses the freq as well w/ a tone of 731 DPL. I'm going to assume that this is an MSP operation because of the tone being a common MSP tone. Did anyone else catch the ops or are there any ideas as to who else this may be? For it to hit Signal Stalker, it basically had to be over Hagerstown at the time, although I'm sure aerial units could cause hits from further away.