n2mdk said:Yes in the Database http://www.radioreference.com/modules.php?name=RR&sid=736
This is your second post where you talk about base stations or frequencies in regard to trunking. I am not sure what you mean by that as the terms are not used in common trunking discussions.fritzy said:what are your base stations?
The display is set for toggling ID sub-banks on/off. To toggle, press FUNC + TRUNK when stopped on active coms. Line 3 will change to the assigned freq tag. Check Settings and Weather Page in Win96...you may have the box next to ID Sub-bank On/Off Mode checked.Lyman said:Below, as taken from the Scanner:
S747 AD +MO
VC 867.31250
TIDbk 01234
North Dispatch
Of the above, what I do not understand is the "TIDbk 01234". That is to say I believe it is saying "Talk ID, Bank 01234". However, if I am correct than what is the Talk ID in this case?
"VC" I assume means "Voice Channel".
n2mdk said:Hi Lyman, I don't have a Pro-96, I have a Pro-97, but VC stands for Voice Channel, I'm not sure but the TIDbk but I'm guessing it shows which TG ID bank your in. The Talk Group ID is programmed in with an Alpha Tag so it's North Dispatch to see the Dec ID when it stops on a channel/ID just hit the Text key to toggle back and forth between ID display. Remember it has to be stopped on a channel during scan to toggle.
>Communication systems can be either Trunked or Conventional and the modulation used on them can be either Analog, Digital or mixed.loumaag said:Lyman,
Trunked has nothing to do with digital. Either side of the coins in scanning are:Communication systems can be either Trunked or Conventional and the modulation used on them can be either Analog, Digital or mixed.
- Trunking vs Conventional
- Analog vs Digital
In reference to your specific example, the Massachusetts State Police, the description at the top of the page show that the system is mixed, capable of P25 CAI; however, none of the TG's are listed as digital.
Thanks Fritzy, but I don't understand....fritzy said:what are your base stations?
fmon said:The display is set for toggling ID sub-banks on/off. To toggle, press FUNC + TRUNK when stopped on active coms. Line 3 will change to the assigned freq tag. Check Settings and Weather Page in Win96...you may have the box next to ID Sub-bank On/Off Mode checked.
Yes on VC.