Tampa Bay Radio Page Streaming setup alpha tags info

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2007
Tampa Bay Florida
Ok...Its been awhile since I frequented these forums was spending allot of time here many years ago so thought I would let people know how I have my live stream setup.
I have been streaming my scanner since the 90s and have tried many programs and also stream alpha tags with my stream. Here is my setup.

I use Steamcast as the server because it is free, and lists you in all the yp directories , Icecast,Shoutcast,Steamcast, and is fully configurable you can get it here and it is available for Windows and Linux

I use the standalone Oddcast encoder v3 because it is free and allows all formats , mp3.aac. aacplus ect you can get it here
You will also need the Lame encoder for this to work you can get it here
once you download the Lame enc you move the Lame.dll into the Oddcast folder.

I use the NEW VERSION of Scanner Metadata Generator because its free and avoids having to use the Simplecast enc which is not free and the serproxy prog to use alpha tags in your stream. Thanks Webdinger !!!!! This program allows you to use alphatags on your stream for the following scanners...Only Uniden scanners...BC8t,245,246,250,296,396,780,785,796,895, and 898 Oh yes it does work with the BCt 15 and probably the 996 Whew thats allot of scanners. This program is also fully configurable ie: adjusting delay time,adding realtime text messages, offering scanning message when no signal being received, multiple baud rates,multiple ports,and many other features. You can get it here

If you dont have a static ip address try no ip . com get it here

Want info on how to forward your ports on your router get it here

If you dont have enough bandwidth and you want to stream to a host provider check out the reviews of the various providers get it here

Thats about it need further help let me know. I hope this helped some of you out there that want to stream.
Webmaster of the Tampa Bay Radio Page


Dec 19, 2002
Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida

Excellent post, Tim. Hopefully it'll inspire some more folks to get their scanners on the air.

I got mine online..It took me awhile to figure out how to do it but it has been up and running for about a year now and I am streaming two scanners at this time..

This thread also provides alot of info for someone setting up a scanner..

I am using Icecast2 Version 2.X and SimpleCast as this is the only setup that I could get to work. I have Serproxy and Talkgroup Monitor install but they only work sometimes and are not working now..Both are streaming thru Wavestreaming and both thru direct connection to my computer..and I am also using No-ip to keep my IP address from changing..

Just click my link in my signature below to go to it.. Cheers..Keithmj


Dec 19, 2002
Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida
Hi All..I got my Serproxy and Talkgroup Monitor working as they should..I had the baud rare set wrong...I set it to 19200 in the scanner and it works now. The only problem that I have is that I am using FreeScan to program the BCT-15 scanner and it is on port 1 on the Serial connection and I can't use the scanner software and Serproxy and Talkgroup Monitor at the same time, but that isn't a problem right now..I only have two USB ports and they are being used at this time. Maybe I'll find a way around this problem..Also, maybe they can come out with a Serproxy and Talkgroup Monitor that will work at different baud rates?..Cheers..Keithmj
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Feed Provider
May 17, 2003
Chandler, AZ
The lack of controlability with Talkgroup Monitor and Serproxy is why I chose to run Oddcast/Edcast from www.oddsock.org. For tags I use ID Tracker, ID Tracker II and ProScan. The nice thing about all three of thease programs is that they put the tag information on their titlebar. OddCast/EdCast will pick off the tag from the control program directly. This works VERY well and I have never seen any of the timing problems that others have seen with other methods.

ProScan, even though it is a $50 peice of software, is an AWESOME peice of software. It not only is a easy to use programming and control program, it can also stream as well. ProScan will stream to another copy of ProScan or ProScan Client (Free). ProScan to ProScan Client allows monitoring and scanner view only while ProScan to ProScan allows monitoring and scanner view AND full control of the scanner if you have the control password. ProScan to ProScan in control mode is just like being in front of the host computer including full upload and download. I stream to http://az.scanamerica.us since I can allow many more people to connect to the mp3 stream with many different programs. I highly reccomend Gordon's ScanAmerica sites. Gordon does a great job getting people setup quickly.

I also use ID Tracker & ID Tracker II from http://bellsouthpwp.net/k/d/kd5eis/IDTracker/IDTracker.htm. The ID Tracker progeams are freat free programs that doo what they do quite well.

I also am a fan of UltraVNC from http://www.uvnc.com/. UltraVNC allows me to remotely get into my feed machines and change things if needed.

About the only things I have problems with is that OddCast/EdCast can not tell the difference between the title bars of two instances of the same program. It will show thecorrect information for both instances in its selection window, but will only pick off the title of the first instance. I have posted on Oddsock's website regarding this issue, but have not heard any solutions.

I am running two feeds off one machine. One feed runs off a Bearcat 250D controlled by ProScan with OddCast pulling the audio off the onboard soundcard. The second feed is a Bearcat 296D controlled by ID Tracker with OddCast pulling the audio from a USB soundcard.

My third feed is on another machine with a Bearcat 245 controlled by ID Tracker feeding audio into the left channel of the stereo input and a Uniden SportCat 200 locked on one channel feeding audio into the right channel of the system. I have OddCast set to pick the tag off the titlebar of ID Tracker, and I use OddCast's ability to append text to the end of a string. The tag on this feed looks like this:

154.2350 - MESA FD Ch2 <L-R> 154.1900 PHOENIX FD CH1

It actually works quite well being a stereo feed, the seperation is good and most people have no problems following both channels since the right channel is the Main Dispatch channel for Phoenix Fire only callouts go there. You can also push the balance to the left or right using winamp if you want to give either side more audio.

I would actually like to be able to have full scan ability on both channels, but at this time I have no way to pull tags from two seperate programs via OddCast. If I could I would come up with a program that would pull the tags off the two programs the same way that OddCast does and put them on it own titlebar and then let OddCast pull the tag from there... Anyone want to write it? :)

I do enjoy streaming, and I like the ability it gives me to scan at work (Yes, my boss understands my scanner addiction). If other peole enjoy listening to my feeds then that is all the better.

Hi All..I got my Serproxy and Talkgroup Monitor working as they should..I had the baud rare set wrong...I set it to 19200 in the scanner and it works now. The only problem that I have is that I am using FreeScan to program the BCT-15 scanner and it is on port 1 on the Serial connection and I can't use the scanner software and Serproxy and Talkgroup Monitor at the same time, but that isn't a problem right now..I only have two USB ports and they are being used at this time. Maybe I'll find a way around this problem..Also, maybe they can come out with a Serproxy and Talkgroup Monitor that will work at different baud rates?..Cheers..Keithmj
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