My XYL was there in class - they evaced the building and had everyone standing in the parking lot, then all the PD cars show up and the bomb dogs go in to search (but she didn't know that.) Fire was there, and several streets were closed.
She called me, and I had no clue (I'd been in a meeting and missed the initial), but it was a "breaking news" on Ch. 8. I hate that - "breaking news - something is happening at TCC Metro" but nothing else - then again it took 2 hours for something to show up at ALL on ch. 6). Anyway, the story was updated and mentioned bomb sniffing dogs. Of course the people standing in the parking lot across 10th street had come to that conclusion on their own.
She left (thinking that if it WAS a bomb, across the street wasn't even out of the collapse zone, let alone the shrapnel zone) so she headed home. THEN she found out it was a hoax, but that was 3 hours AFTER her class ended (it was mid afternoon before the search was complete and they let people back in the building).