I've examined the P25 specs closely and I have not found any reference to a radio ID in the packet header. There is, however, the manufacturer ID and the algorithm ID. The following PDF goes through the entire P25 protocol and the actual packet headers step by step (its 104 pages long and very detailed):
It is possible the O.P. is not understanding the proper nomenclature of the P25 packet header and is referring to the Source ID. In which case, no radio on the market, as far as I've been able to find out, displays any of this information. The information would have to be fed into a computer and then displayed on a monitor. This is not so much as a limitation as its simply unneeded for the purposes of hearing the transmission. Having all this information may be nice, but it would drive the cost of the scanners sky high. A program or device at this level would be purely for diagnostics.