Thank you, RR!

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 4, 2009
Springfield, MA
You know, I've been bugged since last night.. like really boarderline PISSED. I was on a local scanner group and I asked for another source for some information that someone suggested I check out because I felt the site's content was out of date and lacking, and I couldnt find the info here at RR. Well, next thing I know, I'm getting raked across the coals by the Webmaster of that site in private emails.. Its amazing how far people can take ONE sentence from ONE email.

I am admittedly new to the hobby, well, not new, I've been listening to scanners since I was like 12, but I hadnt taken a serious liking to the hobby until about a year ago. I'm learning more and more about Trunked systems, Digital vs Analog, etc etc etc but I still DO need some help sometimes. Can I find the frequencies? Absolutely. DO I find the frequencies? Absolutely. Do I know what it all means? Absolutely not, and thats why I turn to more knowledgeable people.

I've even started contributing on my own. I've created one Wiki which I check and maintain, and update as needed, and I'm about to start working on a second one as I obtain information for it. As I find frequencies, I update the Database as I can, and I'm really enjoying it.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the RR Community. This group is SO active, and so eager to help someone like me who IS still learning.

See you around!



Jan 7, 2010
Rochester/Victor, NY
Great attitude to have Scott! Accentuate the positive. I might guess who gave you the scolding, but I'll keep that to myself.

I am new to these forums as well, and all the great help I've received here has prompted me to help others with the hobby.

Hope all is well in Springfield. I used to live in Northampton and I miss it.


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC would not be where it is without the contributions from everyone. This is what makes our community so strong and so great.
So skierp20, thank you for being a part of the family!
Happy Monitoring!
Marshall KE4ZNR


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I'm the webmaster that sent this individual an e-mail after he made such comments regarding dead links and out of date information at my website.

My problems are as follows:

1. This person apparently lacked the manners or the fortitude to contact me privately.
2. This person made absolutely no effort to contact me regarding the alleged errors.
3. This lad, who is about 16 years younger than I am, then proceeds to offer me advice via e-mail that I should grow a thicker skin.
4. And now, despite that I'm the one naming the website and webmaster that "raked him across the coals", which is a crock, he decides that he needs to vent his frustrations here.

Scott, you come up short in the manner department. My skin is very thick from 21+ years of working in law enforcement. I do have a problem with people that rant and rave without offering a solution to or helping with the solution of a problem. People contact me all the time about dead links and dated information, but most of them do so privately as opposed to out in the open.

I am a contributer to RR as well, both via scanner feeds and information in the database. What are YOU doing to help enrich the hobby? From my scan of your 70 or so posts here it seems your intention is to take and not give back.

As I said to you in my e-mail to you last night. Enjoy the hobby. You my friend are the one that just must rant about this in the open. I am simply reacting as I believe most people that have integrity and a sense of right and wrong would.

Good day.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 4, 2009
Springfield, MA
What are my contributions? Well lets see..

If you look in the Hampden County Database I have added:

The TGID for Ambcare Ambulance
the TGID for Alert Ambulance
The frequency for Springfield College PD
The frequency for Springfield College EMS
The frequency for American Medical Response

I have edited the Six Flags New England Wiki for accuracy in some of the Dispatch Codes used
I have created the Springfield, MA Wiki and provided all of the information enclosed about Springfield PD and Springfield Fire.

Currently, my scanner is monitoring 3 local Trunked systems so I can pull TGIDs and try to identify them, as Ken had recommended, and others had recommended that I do since there were limited resources that provided this information.

My second scanner is currently monitoring 10-15 frequencies that I had found so I can better identify them beyond what their FCC ID reports. If This information proves fruitful, I plan on contributing it here.

I do not feel it necessary to post every bit of contribution that I provide for this site, or defend myself for those contributions. You stated last night that people like me make this into more of a 'competition than a hobby' well that is exactly what you are doing. 'What have you done? Here is what I have done.' I am not a 'lad' and have worked in the Public Safety field for 14+ years myself.

My initial one line comment was completely blown out of proportion, and here we now sit.

But perception is reality. You felt my comment was inappropriate, and I in turn found that your words towards me, whether in a private email or not, were also inappropriate.

Can we get this thread locked please? Its turned way too negative way too fast.
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