You know, I've been bugged since last night.. like really boarderline PISSED. I was on a local scanner group and I asked for another source for some information that someone suggested I check out because I felt the site's content was out of date and lacking, and I couldnt find the info here at RR. Well, next thing I know, I'm getting raked across the coals by the Webmaster of that site in private emails.. Its amazing how far people can take ONE sentence from ONE email.
I am admittedly new to the hobby, well, not new, I've been listening to scanners since I was like 12, but I hadnt taken a serious liking to the hobby until about a year ago. I'm learning more and more about Trunked systems, Digital vs Analog, etc etc etc but I still DO need some help sometimes. Can I find the frequencies? Absolutely. DO I find the frequencies? Absolutely. Do I know what it all means? Absolutely not, and thats why I turn to more knowledgeable people.
I've even started contributing on my own. I've created one Wiki which I check and maintain, and update as needed, and I'm about to start working on a second one as I obtain information for it. As I find frequencies, I update the Database as I can, and I'm really enjoying it.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the RR Community. This group is SO active, and so eager to help someone like me who IS still learning.
See you around!
I am admittedly new to the hobby, well, not new, I've been listening to scanners since I was like 12, but I hadnt taken a serious liking to the hobby until about a year ago. I'm learning more and more about Trunked systems, Digital vs Analog, etc etc etc but I still DO need some help sometimes. Can I find the frequencies? Absolutely. DO I find the frequencies? Absolutely. Do I know what it all means? Absolutely not, and thats why I turn to more knowledgeable people.
I've even started contributing on my own. I've created one Wiki which I check and maintain, and update as needed, and I'm about to start working on a second one as I obtain information for it. As I find frequencies, I update the Database as I can, and I'm really enjoying it.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the RR Community. This group is SO active, and so eager to help someone like me who IS still learning.
See you around!