The original post reminds me of a story that floated around the local repeaters around me about a dozen years (at least).
So I may not have this story entirely correct, but this is what I recall:
One of the hams somewhere here in Metro Detroit was visiting someone in a nursing home. While walking down the hallway, there was a patient he didn't know tapping CQ out on the side of the table or wheelchair or something like that. The ham replied "CQ" and one of the patients family members said "What are you talking about?". Turns out the patient had a stroke, couldn't speak, and had been tapping out CQ to everyone he seen. When the family member realized he was sending code, she started crying. Right on the spot, the ham and the patient worked it out so she understood K and N. Yes and no. When the story hit the repeaters, someone donated a CPO to the family. And some of the family learned all the characters. The family had not been able to communicate with him since his stroke.
The one thing I never did know is was he a ham? Or maybe just someone that knew code? Maybe in the military? Not sure about that.
If I recall right, he knew code just fine. And I believe someone said he had a good fist. And he could understand everything someone spoke to him.