I've been on a "holy quest" since 1974 when my prized 9 transistor radio, a Sony 6F-19WA went missing. It was gifted to me in 1969 and I was heartbroken when it was taken. Well today I was driving home and saw a yard sale. First, I've not stopped at a yard sale since 1985, but something reflected the sun and it caught my attention in the split second I saw it. I thought to myself, "NO FREAKING WAY!" So I turned the car around and went back to confirm. Yep! I found my holy grail! It had a piece of masking tape on it that said, "$1.00". Hell yeah! I paid the buck, came home, took a pic and decided to share my good luck with everyone. Once I get it cleaned up I'll buy some batteries for it, cross my fingers and hope it works. For a 53 year old radio it looks to be in fairly good condition.