Time for a scanner

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Dec 4, 2004
Greetings MT Scanners,

I need your help, advice, and opinions. I last had a scanner in 1998 when I lived up yonder in AK. Sold it when I moved to MT. That was back before everything started going digital on me. I used to be able to listen to the Butte scanner online - up until this week when the feed was pulled.

Lots has changed in the past 13 years and it's time to get a scanner again. Alas, I have no idea what works the best in MT. Digital? Apco 25? Statewide system? All of these are new terms to me when it comes to scanning.

What I am looking for is:
1. A portable unit
2. A non-preprogrammed unit (but one that can be programmed manually or with programming software)
3. A unit that gets both analog and digital (are those made and/or necessary in this day?)
4. One with a nice display.

I'm willing to pay extra for quality, or extras that are used and come in handy.

So any suggestions and directions would be greatly appreciated.



Premium Subscriber
Mar 22, 2007
Lewistown, Montana
Scanners for MT

I would suggest the GRE PSR-500/Radio Shack Pro-106 basically the same scanner made by GRE, or the Uniden BCD 396XT. You will need programming software for these it makes it alot easier to program!

Check out reviews of these scanners:
eHam.net Reviews - Receivers: Scanners scroll down to "receivers (scanner)" then select one of the above scanners.

also in the wikipedia here:
Category:Digital Scanners - The RadioReference Wiki

These scanners are both analog and digital.

FWIW I have a GRE PSR-500 and use Win 500 software for programming. Really like it, I have the RS Pro-96/2096 and the 500 is really a great upgrade.
I moved from MT about the time they started going digital.
Hope this helps out.
73, Rex


Premium Subscriber
Mar 22, 2007
Lewistown, Montana
Scanners and Software

Keep in mind that the GRE PSR 500 will be more expensive than the RS Pro 106. The PSR 500 will include everything that you need to get it going out of the box, the Pro 106 you will have to add a programming cable.

Also all the different software to program any of the scanners usually have a 30 day trial period, so download them all and see which one you like, then purchase the one you like.

If I can be of any further assistance let me know or PM me.

73, Rex
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