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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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TK-5210 K2 programming

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Jun 10, 2006
I have a new addition to the family. A TK-5210 P25 K2 VHF radio. I am currently lost in the programming. This definitely isn't like programming a TK-250. I have numerous questions:

1. Is there a programming manual or online help somewhere? I found the software help, but it isn't really guiding me as I need it to.

2. Need massive help with scan enable and putting personalities into scan list.

3. I am very new with P25 so when a channel is mixed mode how do I select between analog and P25?

4. I will have more questions, but any tips right now will help. I am using for both 2M HAM and some VHF analog and P25 for work.

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Aug 22, 2006
Its like programming a motorola. You put in all of your channels, then you form groups. Yes, it sucks, but its the way it is.

In the personal header, select your system, then personality. Each Personality is a channel. Channel type gives you analog or digital.

If you email me your channel list and requests, Ill build you up a dat file. I could use some more time programming the 5x10 series as I rarely get to do much work with kpg-95d. Mostly its just adding a channel or two.
Apr 21, 2004
Owner'a Manual

1. Take a look at the Owners Manual at Kenwood - TK-5210-5310 and select the Downloads tab to find the document.

2. When adding/modifying a Personality, add it to a scan list (or not). With the limited keypad, I suggest only a single Scan List and keep the members to ~8. You can also add/remove members permanently from the keypad as well as set a Key (I use Side 1 Key) as Scan Delete which is temporary "nuisance" channel delete. Power cycle or stop/start scan returns the scan list back to normal.

3. Set Channel Type/Channel Type to Mixed Mode and then set the Transmit Mode type

4. Blast away.

To echo code3cowboy, start from the top and work your way down.

In my case, the radio was received as a part of a larger State grant and there are some rules that I had to follow.

I have 2 Personal(s): STATE OF NH and LOCAL. I then have system information, features and personalities specific for each. For example, I have an Individual ID list for my local use and nothing in the state side.

In the Zones, I can mix these Personalities as necessary (i.e. Personalities from Personal 1 and Personal 2 can be intermixed in a Zone). Note that "Scan Add" in Zones only means that this specific personality has the option of being scanned, not that it's actively in any Scan List (i.e. to allow it to be added from the keypad). Also, I use the top knob for channel changing so therefore my zones only have 16 channels in each. Using buttons allows for more per zone but that just gets confusing.




Jun 10, 2006
Tremendous help!!!

Code3 and Jeff,

Thanks for reply. I have been able to get it to scan. In the personality screen I didn't see the scan list tab. I will work on the rest of it in the next several days.

I finally get the building personalities and assigning them to the systems and zones. Thanks for explaining it to me

I still don't quite get the mixed mode. I was under the impression a channel can be either digital or analog. Can someone enlighten me on this? Also if is is mixed mode or digital can it receive the analog signal?
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Aug 22, 2006
The mixed mode is for when some people use digital and some use analog on the same channel. The radio will decode the digital and play the analog, and you can either transmit in digital or analog.


Jun 10, 2006

So far so good. I have three zones with a scan list and am using mixed modes. This radio is something else. I am going to start looking for a TK-5710 now. I will ask some more specific questions as time goes on.

One question about the mixed mode. I have one channel programmed as digital and the F7E as decode NAC. The radio will accept both digital and analog and the squelch opens. If I program it as mixed mode are you say the radio will send (TX) both an analog and digital signal thus opening both on analog and digital radio?

A scan question....I currently have the radio set to conventional scan and have to add the channels to the scan list. If I select the multi-zone scan setting the screen wont let me adjust the scan list. Does this mean everything I have assigned to the scan list, per the personality setting, will scan?


Aug 22, 2006
No, the radio will transmit in the mode you select. When it comes to mixed mode, I always tx in analog. If someone does not program mixed mode on a mixed mode channel, they do not deserve to hear what I have to say. Your radio will open for both analog and digital transmissions when programmed as mixed mode.

I am not familiar enough with the scan setup on this radio to comment.
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