Can anyone point me in the right direction with a easy plug and play software to capture fire tone outs ? Has anyone tried doing this ? Any equipment suggestions ?
Thank you in advance
Thank you in advance
TwoToneDetect?Can anyone point me in the right direction with a easy plug and play software to capture fire tone outs ? Has anyone tried doing this ? Any equipment suggestions ?
Thank you in advance
Well duh... oh course, but for what purpose?Tone pairs in my area
Talbot thought they were going to do that too, but it turns out some of the legacy analog tones are not valid in a digital system due to the AMBE tone detector having a wider permissible range for tone's frequency causing certain tones to appear in overlapping detection zones and not be uniquely identifiable. As a result, some stations were able to retain the same tone pairs on both VHF and 700, but others had to be assigned new tone pairs for the digital system while retaining their legacy analog tones the prevent the need for mass pager reprogramming.In AACo, the county plans to retain QCII type tones over analog VHF when the P25P2 system is built - if it's not broke, don't fix it.
Turns out AACo switched from a single 350W VHF site in Millersville to a 4 site simulcast paging system in 2005,
I'm not sure if I would classify it as "simulcast distortion" which is more often associated with digital simulcast systems. But there can be timing issues in overlap areas (where you are receiving more than one site.) Simulcast sites need routine adjustment to keep site timing within tolerances. On the SmartZone system, I can hear per channel differences in signal / audio quality on both analog and digital tgs. The VHF FTO channel seems OK for me from my location.So is simulcast distortion what makes the audio quality on 154.010 so poor?
No, I'm saying that in a P25 Phase 2 system, tones are transmitted as a digital tone frame in a completely different manner than the way they are parameterized using the regular speech coded as done in P25 Phase 1. As a result there are limitations on how closely spaced the tones can be, so some previously usable tone pairs no longer work. It's sort of explained in the Unication QCII programming guide: https://fb99901f-174a-4717-b1bf-f75...d/9bbbf0_98a77784f77945668133befa08965252.pdfI think you are saying that the analog tones did not retain their "fidelity" when converted to digital for distribution over the backbone fiber / MW? I'm not sure how many VHF sites are used for FTO in AACo, and how the signalling is distributed - I'd have to research it. I do know they budget $1.5M to replace the "Zetron," but guessing by the cost, more stuff than just the tone generator is being replaced.
Gotcha. Talbot did much the same when they retained their existing analog paging infrastructure because "it still worked" and there were lots and lots of analog pagers out there. All was fine until the FCC made them turn down the power of on one of their transmitters causing reception problems at the north end of the county. With no way to improve reception without adding a VHF tower, they turned to FiRST as the solution and started digital QCII paging on the 700mhz fire dispatch channel. A year or two down the line and all county paramedics can now be seen wearing G5 pagers regardless of where they are stationed.I see, but I was talking about AACo retaining their VHF analog QCII system for FTO when they transition to their P25P2 system, similar to the VHF QCII FTO system being separate from their current SmartZone system. In essence, no change, but a hardware refresh.
Sorry if this has been answered previously, but I've searched and didn't see anything.
I have the BCD996P2 and running ProScan that I'm trying to capture fire/EMS tone-outs. I'm assuming there is a setting that I need to tweak, but when there is more than one tone-out in sequence (Fire Dept. 1, 2, 3, EMS - for a total of four tone-outs), I'm only capturing the first in the sequence. What do I need to do to capture all the tone-outs?