Any suggestions on how to attenuate this signal?
I am within 2.0 miles and line of sight to a 700 P25 II LSM site.My local 800 MHz P25 Phase 2 system comes into my P25RX at -73 to -75 dBm. Is this too strong and might be overloading my receiver and be the cause of some choppy audio I experience? Any suggestions on how to attenuate this signal?
With the default settings and gains on auto, the P25RX-II should handle any signal you throw at it. It looks great with +22 dBm from an HP signal generator. It works great parked next to a mega tower. The reason the IQ plot is tighter on the P25RX is that the channel filter is very linear. The small distortion on the P25RX-II because of the insane analog IF filter on the P25RX-II. Some of the distortion caused by the filter is equalized out digitally, but not completely. The benefit is that cell phone towers don't cause issues. The price to be paid is a little bit worse EVM. We'll get it figured out. You shouldn't be having issues with "too strong of a signal".This has been my issue with P25RXII - the traffic channels RSSI are pretty hot compared to the control channel RSSI, resulting in poor audio. The latest firmware has attenuated the signal somewhat, which results in better voice reproduction. Not sure if that is the best approach to the issue. BTW, I would die for that tight I/Q plot.
That plot looks great!My local 800 MHz P25 Phase 2 system comes into my P25RX at -73 to -75 dBm. Is this too strong and might be overloading my receiver and be the cause of some choppy audio I experience? Any suggestions on how to attenuate this signal?
View attachment 113782
All I can say is that with the current firmware, my indicated signal strength is significantly less than it was before, and markedly less than what is shown by other devices connected to the same antenna system. The result is, wrt to P25RX-II, is better decode of the traffic channel audio: much more intelligible than previous iterations of the fw. Perhaps there is another reason for why there has been an improvement, but nothing has changed on my end.With the default settings and gains on auto, the P25RX-II should handle any signal you throw at it. It looks great with +22 dBm from an HP signal generator. It works great parked next to a mega tower. The reason the IQ plot is tighter on the P25RX is that the channel filter is very linear. The small distortion on the P25RX-II because of the insane, 9-element analog IF filter on the P25RX-II. Some of the distortion caused by the filter is equalized out digitally, but not completely. The benefit is that cell phone towers don't cause issues. The price to be paid is a little bit worse EVM. We'll get it figured out. You shouldn't be having issues with "too strong of a signal".
I'll double check the RSSI readings for accuracy. There may be an offset in the experimental version or something like that. The reason for the improvement in the recent experimental version is changes to the ADC rates, decimation filters, and channel filter. Does your other software display RSSI in dBm? Has it been checked for accuracy with an analyzer?All I can say is that with the current firmware, my indicated signal strength is significantly less than it was before, and markedly less than what is shown by other devices connected to the same antenna system. The result is, wrt to P25RX-II, is better decode of the traffic channel audio: much more intelligible than previous iterations of the fw. Perhaps there is another reason for why there has been an improvement, but nothing has changed on my end.
One shows dBm; another in dBFS, and another in *I'm not sure what units (UT2).* Several receivers running different software that pretty much agree with each other as far as relative signal strength is concerned, and the P25RXII is the outlier currently showing lower power from a site not far away. I'm not complaining because the audio is improved over previous versions; but I'm not sure the actual signal is being represented accurately. But the I/Q in OP25 and UT2 show a fairly tight pattern, and P25RXII less so. It is a simulcast site and there are two other member sites within 4 and 8 miles, so...I'll double check the RSSI readings for accuracy. There may be an offset in the experimental version or something like that. The reason for the improvement in the recent experimental version is changes to the ADC rates, decimation filters, and channel filter. Does your other software display RSSI in dBm? Has it been checked for accuracy with an analyzer?
The cch iq symbol plot from Unitrunker 2 using a RTL device. Note the RSSI -41, unknown dB(x) measurement units, but indicates a strong signal 100% decode quality and frequency tuned exactly (Window 0.)
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