Well according to this document, dated 2010, from the city of Toronto (legal documents) released.
regarding City Radio Infustructure system. It describes what is occuring with the Radio replacement project and the Toronto Police Service.
The project started in 2006, and will be completed by 2012
quote "
This project provides funding for the replacement of the Service’s current communication
radios which are approaching the end of manufacturer’s support, and to ensure operability on
the new platform that will be implemented through the City-managed Radio Infrastructure
Replacement project. The replacement of the radios commenced in 2006 and will be
completed in 2012. Between 2006 and 2010, 971 mobile radios and 1,356 portables radios
were acquired. The remaining 637 mobile radios and 955 portable radios will be purchased
between 2011 and 2012.
While the majority of this project is debt-funded ($29.5M), $6M was borrowed from the
Service’s Vehicle and Equipment Reserve to fund the purchase of radios in 2008 and 2009, in
order to reduce financial pressure on the capital program.
The Service’s vendor of record has introduced a newer portable model radio (APX7000).
This newer model has additional/enhanced features that are operationally beneficial to the
Service; however, the cost per unit is higher. In order to remain within the approved funding
for this project, the new model will be issued to front-line uniform officers only.
This project is currently on schedule and on budget. " end quote
here is the link
So the "Front Line" officers will have the Motorla APX7000 series radios.