Hahah! That is
awesome! Hands down the coolest thing I have seen all day.
Reminds me of a story...long ago, when I was a utility lineman, we had to remove a pole that was located in an alley. The city of Minneapolis had a full-size streetlight on the pole, and we asked them if they wanted to come get it. Their reply was basically "we don't care what happens to it." Another guy on the crew was building a house and got the idea that this thing would make a kick-a$$ yard light. So....we took it down and thew it in the back of the truck. In case you've never seen a full-size streetlight up close before, they are pretty large objects when you get them down to ground level...
So we come rolling into the garage that afternoon, and stop right in front of the guy's truck, and I help him unload this full-on streetlight in to the back of his pickup. The whole time, all of our first-level managers were out there having a smoke break, watching us wrestle this giant light into a pickup bed...
Last time I was out to his house, the streetlight was still there, quietly doing its job...