The local HRO at one point carried a lot of the Larsen products, and they still show them online. I haven't been in a HRO in probably 10 years, so I don't know if they still do.
Someone on here was mentioning HRO a few weeks back and that the sales guy tried to sell him a Tram antenna and said it was "just as good as Larsen". I'm sure to the unassuming ham, that would be the case. I've looked at the Tram/Browning products at trade shows, but was not impressed. Most of them appear to be direct copies of other brand antennas, which is not surprising coming out of China. I tried talking to the sales guy at the show, but he didn't seem interested in discussing any details about the product. Some day I'm going to buy one of their antennas and cut open the coil and compare it to other professional antennas I have, just for kicks.
I did disassemble one of the Tram preinstalled PL-259 connectors a few years back and it was in no way a quality connector and was not installed well. The center pin was soldered, but the outer shield was held in place with a single hit from what looked like a center punch. The only thing that held the crimp/shield in place was the overmolded plastic strain relief.
I don't really care what others want to buy/use, it's their money, up to them, but I'm not going to risk my reputation at work by cutting corners to save a few bucks on cheap products from China. I don't doubt that China can make quality products, but they don't come cheap. When I see lower priced knock off products, I know where the cost savings comes from. Quality and paying their labor is the first place that gets cut.