They are on FleetNet NXDN UHF (used to be LTR)
The reason is because they are a separate, disparate entity to TransLink, run by contractors , a company came from California with huge exp on ParaTransit , so they finally amalgamated it into one entity serving up to Fraser Valley which is also a diff group (BC Transit) , so as usual it's a complete mishmash of systems all over the province.
Due to fact that E-COMM president doesn't have the vision to see that there are numerous groups that would benefit from the supposed wide reach of WARS , he is running an Emergency Services only system unlike in the US, where many embrace the concept of multiple disparate groups subscriber units can be used by all.
They all want their fiefdoms and they all want to spend money unnecessarily.
Unfortunately, TransLink listened to Planetworks, which told them to go with Harris OpenSky.
Why else do you think BC stands for bring cash?