Transition to 106

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Jan 1, 2011
I'm transitioning my Pro95 over to the new 106. I have most of the public safety and the P25 system all set, plus some local companies and municipalities, etc.

As I run the Pro95, as a channel comes up, I note it and put in the 106, so that I'm whittling down the old stuff. I suspect that many businesses etc, have gone to cell phones since I programmed the 95.

I had in the 95, a bank, I called Fleet. It has a lot of channels and then in the Alpha Tagsor talkgroups I guess...there were a lot listed. So in this case, I have the multiple frequencies added (when searching, I do find the control channel). Then in the Fleet Map, I have E1P1, then the 7 channels are all S11. (this is on the 95).

So, in the 106, I created a trunking system, added the frequencies. I picked MOT800/900) which brings up the Fleet Map which I replicated. IN the talk groups though, I have nothing in there. I want the system to tell me what it finds and I will enter later.

ON the 95, I had a channel come up tonight. and it read 000.10 The 106 wont let that be entered. and in fact the 106 finds nothing, it doesn't stop or find the channel that the 95 is on. I'm running the scanners side by side.

Hope that made sense, I want the 106 to find the talkgroups for this set of frequencies. Maybe I have the wrong system selected? In the 95, it does have Type=Mot


Jan 1, 2011
I don't want to transfer now if it is a full transfer, I've already done most of the work.

I need to know how in this bank, to have it scan and tell me what it finds. Like the P25 did (it found a couple of talkgroups not listed in the data on this site).

Since I don't know exactly what kind of system it is, except it is a business system, not public safety, has a control channel and other channels. and apparently is a fleet.


Sep 15, 2003
Oakland County Michigan
I don't want to transfer now if it is a full transfer, I've already done most of the work.

I need to know how in this bank, to have it scan and tell me what it finds. Like the P25 did (it found a couple of talkgroups not listed in the data on this site).

Since I don't know exactly what kind of system it is, except it is a business system, not public safety, has a control channel and other channels. and apparently is a fleet.

Create a wildcard talkgroup object and it will show you whatever it finds.



Feb 24, 2001
I'm transitioning my Pro95 over to the new 106. I have most of the public safety and the P25 system all set, plus some local companies and municipalities, etc.

As I run the Pro95, as a channel comes up, I note it and put in the 106, so that I'm whittling down the old stuff. I suspect that many businesses etc, have gone to cell phones since I programmed the 95.

I had in the 95, a bank, I called Fleet. It has a lot of channels and then in the Alpha Tagsor talkgroups I guess...there were a lot listed. So in this case, I have the multiple frequencies added (when searching, I do find the control channel). Then in the Fleet Map, I have E1P1, then the 7 channels are all S11. (this is on the 95).

So, in the 106, I created a trunking system, added the frequencies. I picked MOT800/900) which brings up the Fleet Map which I replicated. IN the talk groups though, I have nothing in there. I want the system to tell me what it finds and I will enter later.

ON the 95, I had a channel come up tonight. and it read 000.10 The 106 wont let that be entered. and in fact the 106 finds nothing, it doesn't stop or find the channel that the 95 is on. I'm running the scanners side by side.

Hope that made sense, I want the 106 to find the talkgroups for this set of frequencies. Maybe I have the wrong system selected? In the 95, it does have Type=Mot

Looks like you have the Pro 95 set to HEX instead of DEC. If you're used to HEX you can make it display that way with the Pro 106. Press PGM, F3, scroll down to TGID Format and change it to HEX then press F1.


Jan 1, 2011
I put in the wildcard and this morning, someone was luckily yakking on that and it found the 000.10, except that on the 106, its 000-10.

I have a couple of other old business systems I will try the same way. Not sure how much they are used any longer.

Thanks for the help.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
I put in the wildcard and this morning, someone was luckily yakking on that and it found the 000.10, except that on the 106, its 000-10.

I have a couple of other old business systems I will try the same way. Not sure how much they are used any longer.

Thanks for the help.
Looks like it may be a LTR system. When you stop on a frequency, next to the bank channel, is there a LT? Or, is there an ED? This means that it is an EDACS system.


Sep 15, 2003
Oakland County Michigan
Looks like it may be a LTR system. When you stop on a frequency, next to the bank channel, is there a LT? Or, is there an ED? This means that it is an EDACS system.

Those are Motorola Type I talkgroups. The format is pretty standard based on the fleetmap given above.

If you haven't monitored that system in awhile, it's possible it's been updated to Type II (and it's also possible it hasn't been)



Jan 1, 2011
So I checked on this particular talksystem. (I named Fleet). I see no LT or ED when the channel appears.

What I got last night during some chatter on one of the talkgroups in that system was:

VC 856.9125 P1d

I tried to put in just the control channel as an experiment, I thought I read that you can put in just the CC, and it would show the VC as they were used. But that wasn't pulling any chat (my pro95 was catching them with all channels in) So I ended up putting in all the voice channels, and then it worked. I guess its just a true trunking system where you can just put in the control channel?

I've got another set of channels to test, maybe this weekend. I found via an FCC search on my town, they look like trunk channels for business. in the 800's and this particular set has 855.yyy and then those repeat for several levels.
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