Travis & Bell Co P25 Questions


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
I haven't been to Austin as of late. I would like to hear from those who live in the Austin area. At present, I am not seeing widespread encryption as reported. I do see the "DE" and "D" for dispatch talk groups.

However, I would like to know if other Austin PD talk groups are still in the clear. I am assuming the RR DB for this area is up to date.

Bell County is in the process of encrypting LE channels. At present, there are two new dispatch talk groups on Bell County P25, Temple & Killeen Dispatch. Several other talk groups show to be "T." Since not everyone can afford a phase II scanner, the number of listeners would likely go down.

I have said this before, but here I go again.

Generally speaking, when asked about why encryption is needed, LE tends to mention unwanted monitoring of online police scanners. They tend to talk about officer safety and/or compromised operations as a function of people listening to online scanners. I know of only one incident when somone was using a ditigal scanner in Montgomery County to break the law. But, most of what I've heard has been online sources.

The media certainly gets it wrong. During the Boston Marathon bombing, one of the ABC news anchors said they were hearing traffic on a "police scanner." I believe they also cited the source of the feed. I wrote and corrected them about this. From what I understand, mutual aid channels were also being used.

From what I understand, it is improper to have a LE tactical channel on Broadcastify. I am not sure about other online scanners.

So, my hope is that they leave the tactical channels alone so that those with pricey scanners can monitor what the general public cannot hear on an online scanner feed(s).


Dec 7, 2017
Austin, TX
AUS is primarily working most common areas unencrypted. They are set up with 2 TGs per sector, 1 encrypted, 1 not. Sometimes they do switch over, but its not for long.
George Ops and Crit1 are fully encrypted and of course the majority of OCD/TAC/MetTac (Metro 1-10) channels are encrypted, however the Met channels do go back and forth depending on the unit keying up.
TCSO has so far only encrypted their Tac channels including their talk around East and West Tac.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Reading an article published just today that says Austin public safety agencies APD and ATCEMS and AFD will all switch to encryption on April 22nd.

Damn! AES encryption is what Baylor PD uses here in Waco. Why? I don't know. Maybe someone wants to rob the body farm there, who knows. Well, that about wraps it up in a nutshell doesn't it.

Of course, Austin needs to protect their cash cow, live music.

Hopefully, this won't be the case with Bell.

Thank you for finding this.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
The Killeen Police Chief also cited citizen privacy as a reason for the encryption.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2003
Van Alstyne, TX
This is a rather stupid question. Will the fleet map change during this migration?
Not likely. The only time I've seen bandplan's change is when they're adding a band that they don't already exist in, or if they're going P25 Phase 2 on the controller where they weren't before.

But... Never say never. Looking at what I received earlier this month OTA from the GATRRS system, there could be changes:

Network: BEE09.13E

Bandplan #0: Base=851.00625 Offset=-45 Spacing=6.25 BW=12.5
Bandplan #1: Base=762.00625 Offset=+30 Spacing=6.25 BW=12.5
Bandplan #2: Base=139.86250 Offset=+0.9 Spacing=2.5 BW=12.5
Bandplan #3: Base=150.10000 Offset=-0.9 Spacing=2.5 BW=12.5
Bandplan #4: Base=160.33750 Offset=-0.9 Spacing=2.5 BW=12.5
Bandplan #5: Base=762.00625 Offset=+30 Spacing=12.5 BW=12.5 Slots=2

They currently only have Phase 2 enabled in the 700MHz band (the "Slots=2" in Bandplan #5), so they could potentially enable Phase 2 for the VHF and 800MHz sites, which would constitute an updated bandplan (and usually it would just be new entries on the end, not changing what's already existing, so it won't break existing subscriber radios if they don't get the OTA update). The Austin Site (Site 1.7) is licensed for Phase 2 on their 800MHz frequencies on WPQY813, but Williamson (1.20) and Bastrop sites (1.40) are not licensed for Phase 2.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
The Killeen Police Chief also cited citizen privacy as a reason for the encryption.
LOL. What a load! I can understand this if it was on an information channel, but he should have learned to lie better from the offenders he has encountered.