I live in Peoria.
Peoria PD is on the Regional Wireless Cooperative (RWC) trunked system. They use Simulcast G, as well as the White Tanks and Towers Mtn IR sites. A-1 is their active dispatch talkgroup. A-4 is their sometimes active special event talkgroup (there is a spring training stadium in Peoria).
Just to the East is Glendale. They are on Simulcast G. A-1 is their South Dispatch, A-4 is their North Dispatch. A-14 is mostly active weekends at the Westgate Entertainment District.
Tohono O'odham Indian PD at the Desert Diamond West Valley Casino is on Simulcast G of the RWC. The casino is just north of Westgate in Glendale, and borders Peoria on the south side of Northern Ave.
Just to the West of Peoria, is Sun City, an unincorporated 55+ community patroled by MCSO. They use the county's P25 Phase II trunked system. District 3, the Northwest Valley, is usually multi-selected with District 2, the Southwest Valley. So you'll usually hear every call in the West Valley if you monitor either talkgroup. Use the White Tanks site. Northern Ave is the dividing line between the two districts. I-17 is the eastern border. Youngtown is immediately West of Sun City, and is also patrolled by MCSO.
MCSO also patrols Sun City West, another 55+ community bordering the North side of Surprise. (See next paragraph.)
El Mirage and Surprise are further northwest up Grand Ave (US 60) from Sun City, and both are on Simulcast G of the RWC. They each have 1 main dispatch talkgroup in the clear.
If you have an SDS-200, I recommend Simulcast G of the RWC. The White Tanks site will only get you Peoria PD A-1 and Surprise PD A-1.
DPS Metro West is on both 460.3000 (151.4 Hz) as well as the AZWIN trunked system. The patch between UHF and the trunked system is not always 24/7, so I'd listen to the UHF side the most. There's a rarely used "Metro West Tac" UHF channel (460.1500) & AZWIN talkgroup as well. For AZWIN use the White Tanks and Shaw Butte sites.
Peoria Fire and Medical, along with Glendale, Sun City-Youngtown, El Mirage, Surprise, North County (all in the Northwest Valley), and Tolleson, Avondale, Goodyear, Buckeye, Buckeye Valley, Tonopah, and Harquahala Valley (in the Southwest Valley), and several others on the other side of Phoenix, are dispatched by the Phoenix FD Regional Dispatch Center. If you're not interested in medical calls, just listen to the simplex analog conventional VHF-High A-deck channels for fire and HazMat incidents. A-1 154.1900 is the system-wide dispatch channel. Yes, you have to listen to every dispatch in every jurisdiction served by the PFDRDC, and the vast majority of calls are medical in nature. A-6 154.3100 is the primary Northwest Valley fireground, north of Northern Ave, and roughly west of I-17. A-9 155.6700 is the primary Southwest Valley fireground channel, south of Northern Ave.
Glendale municipal airport is on 121.000 for the tower, and 118.000 for ground control.
Luke AFB is in the far west part of Glendale. They have their own trunked system.