Troop F: Lake of the Ozarks, Jeff City, Columbia, etc Did Something Change???

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Mar 30, 2015
Gravois Mills, MO
I'm in Missouri from time to time and lately I'm not hearing a thing from Troop F around the Lake of the Ozarks area. Did I miss the email? Has something changed?
Thanks! (Pro 651)


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Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
Did you program the sites by hand or use software?
I don't think anything drastic has changed in the Troop F areas. It's been a while since I've been in any of the counties in that area but just looking at the database page for Moswin, I see Boone and Cole counties both show VHF and 700 MHz sites. Usually the VHF sites will have the best range unless you happen to be in one of the areas the 700 MHz sites were added to help with coverage.

You say the TG icon, do you mean the T indicator that usually shows when it's receiving a control channel signal?
If that's what you meant, take a look at your antenna connections and possibly try another antenna if you have something else.
What antenna do you normally use?

It's possible the internal connection between the antenna jack (on the inside) to the circuit board has failed. Several of these portable models from GRE and RadioShack are known to have fragile connections at that point. This can be easily fixed by someone with halfway good soldering skills.
A good test would be to try for other analog signals that you know worked well at your normal location. Something like your local NOAA WX frequency is usually a good test. If that signal is noticeably weaker or non-existent compared to before, it's possible the antenna connection is the culprit. Basically try any frequencies that you could normally hear well and see if they are as strong as they used to be.

The only other thing I can think of is if you did not program in the Alternate control channel frequencies. The CC channels can change but it's usually rare that they do. You usually see posts about that as well and I can't recall seeing anything.

Sometimes if you program in your NOAA WX channel and while listening, move the antenna connector around right where it attaches to the 651. A broken connection inside will often make and break connection as you move the antenna or connector around.

Good luck and hopefully it's something simple!
Mar 30, 2015
Gravois Mills, MO
Did you program the sites by hand or use software?
I don't think anything drastic has changed in the Troop F areas. It's been a while since I've been in any of the counties in that area but just looking at the database page for Moswin, I see Boone and Cole counties both show VHF and 700 MHz sites. Usually the VHF sites will have the best range unless you happen to be in one of the areas the 700 MHz sites were added to help with coverage.

You say the TG icon, do you mean the T indicator that usually shows when it's receiving a control channel signal?
If that's what you meant, take a look at your antenna connections and possibly try another antenna if you have something else.
What antenna do you normally use?

It's possible the internal connection between the antenna jack (on the inside) to the circuit board has failed. Several of these portable models from GRE and RadioShack are known to have fragile connections at that point. This can be easily fixed by someone with halfway good soldering skills.
A good test would be to try for other analog signals that you know worked well at your normal location. Something like your local NOAA WX frequency is usually a good test. If that signal is noticeably weaker or non-existent compared to before, it's possible the antenna connection is the culprit. Basically try any frequencies that you could normally hear well and see if they are as strong as they used to be.

The only other thing I can think of is if you did not program in the Alternate control channel frequencies. The CC channels can change but it's usually rare that they do. You usually see posts about that as well and I can't recall seeing anything.

Sometimes if you program in your NOAA WX channel and while listening, move the antenna connector around right where it attaches to the 651. A broken connection inside will often make and break connection as you move the antenna or connector around.

Good luck and hopefully it's something simple!

Wow! Thanks for the time spent in replying to my problem.

Yes, I meant the "T" symbol not appearing.

I programmed the 651 manually as I only use Macs.

The 651 is a "traveling" radio I keep in my pickup. I have a WS 1040 at home for indoor listening. It is eight months old and cloned from my 651. The 1040 never leaves the house.

Initially I programmed the 651 to scan in Missouri thinking I could add more frequencies in order to listen to frequencies in Nebraska, but when I returned to Nebraska I found I could hear most NSP digital there so I left well enough alone.

I think I'll give it up and wait till I'm back in Nebraska and use the 651 indoors against the 1040.

If things are still "weird" I'll try cloning the 651 from the 1040.

I've been using a Valley Enterprises telescoping antenna for the past 3-4 years exclusively on both.

Thanks again!
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