Trunk Recorder setup for FleetNet


Jul 22, 2018
I am setting up a computer to be dedicated SDR box. So, I am trying to figure out trunk recorder and the multi-rx setup for OP25 Boatbod (was using the basic 1 dongle setup before).

Years ago, I was following the Bell FleetNet Zone 2 (site 6 for Ottawa) with Unitrunker2 because I was using Windows often at that time. I can not find any of my old config files to reference to narrow down various issues while I figure out trunk recorder.
Can some one please confirm this the custom band plan I should be using for it?

"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 143145000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
This is the system Bell FleetNet Ontario Provincial Government Zone 2 Trunking System, Southeast Zone, Ontario , site 6 is the one I assume I should be using for Ottawa


Sep 11, 2002
Those numbers will give you the channel ID number from the transmitter. IE if the radio is told that TG XXX is on Ch 123 then you can calculate the frequency that is in use.


Missed him again!
Apr 14, 2002
Those trunk-recorder numbers look right, using them right now on Zone 1. I have the bandplan as 400_custom.


Jul 22, 2018
Those trunk-recorder numbers look right, using them right now on Zone 1. I have the bandplan as 400_custom.
Thanks for the confirmation. right now I am trying to get it to work with 1 dongle as it *should* be enough for trunk recorder. What did you do for the number of recording channels? I right now have set it to 1 analog and 1 digital for every frequency of the site to record everything at full capacity but I wounder if I am really misinterpreting the walkthroughs I am following


Missed him again!
Apr 14, 2002
Same here. I honestly don't know if this is "correct" but it seems to work for me so it's... correct as far as I'm concerned. I only have one SDR stick and it doesn't cover the range but I catch most of the transmissions. Trunk-Recorder is incredibly frustrating to setup the first time and all the documentation assumes you have a degree in computer science. But once it works, it's rock solid.

Here's the template I saved for myself.

"ver": 2,
"sources": [{
"center": ,
"rate": 2048000,
"error": 0,
"gain": ,
"debugRecorders": 0,
"digitalRecorders": 6,
"analogRecorders": 6,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=fleetnet"
"plugins": [{
"name": "rdioscanner_uploader",
"library": "",
"server": "http://",
"systems": [{
"shortName": "",
"apiKey": "",
"systems": [{
"control_channels": [],
"type": "smartnet",
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 143145000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"squelch": -60,
"analogLevels": 25,
"talkgroupsFile": "",
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"shortName": "",
"audioArchive": false

Premium Subscriber
Dec 21, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I am setting up a computer to be dedicated SDR box. So, I am trying to figure out trunk recorder and the multi-rx setup for OP25 boatbod (was using the basic 1 dongle setup before).

Years ago, I was following the Bell FleetNet Zone 2 (site 6 for Ottawa) with Unitrunker2 because I was using Windows often at that time. I can not find any of my old config files to reference to narrow down various issues while I figure out trunk recorder.
Can some one please confirm this the custom band plan I should be using for it?

"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 143145000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
This is the system Bell FleetNet Ontario Provincial Government Zone 2 Trunking System, Southeast Zone, Ontario , site 6 is the one I assume I should be using for Ottawa
I use this for all of my Zone 2, I listen to 8 towers total between Pembroke Ottawa and Kingston
Pembroke, St. Patrick, Kinburn, Ottawa, Drummond, Millar Corner, Kingston, Barrys Bay (if the conditions are right)

You will want to change the stuff in BOLD.

To get the center channel Load this
Put in all the freqs for the Ottawa Tower, set your Sample rate to 2.4 and it will give you the centre.
You will want
142.144375<-- Center Frequency For Dongle

And then set your control channels.
Also depending on where you are in Ottawa, you may pick up Kinburn better.

{ "ver": 2,
"sources": [{
"center": 142192500,
"rate": 2400000,
"error": 0,
"gain": 30,
"digitalRecorders": 10,
"analogRecorders": 10,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=00000001"

"systems": [{
"control_channels": [142380000, 142710000],
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -40,
"digitalLevels": "8",
"analogLevels": "32",
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 143145000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": false,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv",
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "fleetnet-pembroke"

"defaultMode": "digital",
"captureDir": "/recordings",
"callTimeout": 5,
"frequencyFormat": "mhz",
"controlRetuneLimit": 50,
"logFile": "0",
"logLevel": "info"


Rosco P. Coltrane
Jan 11, 2004
Kawartha Lakes, ON
I put a Broadcastify Calls node on the air for FleetNet using Trunk Recorder.
While FleetNet is near end of life, this turned out to be not that difficult, and works really nice.
I struggled with the config file, but found help on this forum - So a big thanks to webstar22 for the config above.

Node hardware: HP desktop with Intel i5, 16GB and SSD, Nooelec Smart V5 RTL-SDR (which has the TCXO), outside VHF antenna
Node software: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Trunk Recorder, I installed NTP (time sync) to make sure system time is within tolerance for Braodcastify to de-dupe calls.

Trunk Recorder config.json for FleetNet

{ "ver": 2,
"sources": [{
"center": 142076875, <For FleetNet, this covers whole bandplan 141.015-143.145 on 1 RTL-SDR>
"rate": 2400000,
"error": 0,
"gain": 15, <I initially had this cranked up to high, I used GQRX to visually identify the maximum gain level before the noise floor raised across the band>
"digitalRecorders": 10,
"analogRecorders": 10,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=00000001"

"systems": [{
"control_channels": [142230000, 142605000], <Note: you need to put your control channels here>
"type": "smartnet",
"squelch": -50,
"digitalLevels": 8,
"analogLevels": 32,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"recordUnknown": true,
"bandplan": "400_custom", <This calculates the RF channels from control channel messages, no need for individual channels>
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0, <aka 141.015 MHz>
"bandplanHigh": 143145000.0, <aka 141.145 MHz>
"bandplanSpacing": 15000, <aka 15 Khz steps>
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"maxDev": 3500,
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"audioArchive": true,
"transmissionArchive": false,
"compressWav": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "trs_tg_2560.csv", <File download from RR>
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"shortName": "fleetnet-fenelon",
"broadcastifyApiKey": " <put your key here> ",
"broadcastifySystemId": <Put your node # here>,
"audioArchive": false

"defaultMode": "digital",
"captureDir": "/recordings",
"callTimeout": 5,
"frequencyFormat": "mhz",
"controlRetuneLimit": 50,
"logFile": false,
"logLevel": "info",
"broadcastifyCallsServer": "",
"controlWarnRate": 5,
"callTimeout": 3