Trunking CH#

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Nov 9, 2006
Macomb, Michigan
What is the trunking CH# on experts setting for. I know I can turn it on or off. PRO-106
I did experiement with it. When I turned it on I notice it showed a number like 02667 along with the talk group I programmed in there. This is all learning experience for me and the people here are full of very useful information.

Heres an example: Freq:867.3875 ID: 2313 of Macomb County Sheriff
Then on bottom of the scanner display 02621
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Apr 4, 2004
Slightly NE of the People's Republic of Firestone
From a file called, possibly since I sometimes add little `notes' of my own to downloaded file names, "PRO106SpecialGlobalMenu.pdf" from the RS site:

Trunking CH# - Show CC Chan # while showing VC -Show the trunking channel number on the display


This shows you the `number' of the Control Channel as you have it entered into the list of Control Channels for the particular TSYS that the talkgroup you are listening to at that particular time. It alternates between that and the frequency for the Voice Channel the conversation is occuring on. The number consists of the number for the TSYS and then the number in the CC list that you have the CC entered in. Depending upon how many CC `objects' you have entered it can be as small as 0101 (TSYS# 01 CC# 01) or 02667 (TSYS# 02 CC# 667). Remember... The CC#s are `basically?' just another `object' within the `object' of the TSYS and unless you have sorted the objects with one of the various programming programs available the numbering is going to be pretty much however things were entered rather than some `ordered' order. IE: I really helps to use one of the programs available, set up a sort, and then make up a list of what CC freqs are in which TSYSes if you want to be able to easily know what CC freq, and site, you are listening to / seeing displayed.

For now, as long as it works and you don't need to actually know what CC/site you are listening to, you probably don't need to have it showing and therefore should just leave it set to `OFF'.

BTW, that aforementioned .pdf file is a pretty good help at understanding what most of those assorted settings you can `twiddle' in both the scanner itself and in the assorted programming programs that are out there. (I will admit that I use both PSREdit 500 and WIN500 myself. Each has certain `features' / `quirks' that the other doesn't and I've found that, with a few *very* minor exceptions, they make certain operations a lot easier even though one may have to do a bit of a `dance' through the scanner itself to get things done at times.)

Just an `Olde Fart's' 2¢ worth. {GRIN!}
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