1. I have a Wouxun KG-UVD1P. On certain repeater frequencies, it can't seem to tune to the exact numbers. For example, a local directory specifies that the repeater is on 446.140 but my radio skips up to 446.150 when I type in 446.140. There is no way for me to get it to stay on 446.140. Also, it has done this with a couple other frequencies. For example, 441.130 goes up to 441.137 and stuff like this. What does this mean?
2. I live in San Diego County but I seem to be getting some LA county ham repeaters loud and clear. In general, if I hear a repeater loud and clear, does that mean that the repeater should hear me loud and clear or at least half-way decently? Basically what I'm asking is if my radio receives well, does that generally mean it will transmit well to a given repeater? Thanks.
2. I live in San Diego County but I seem to be getting some LA county ham repeaters loud and clear. In general, if I hear a repeater loud and clear, does that mean that the repeater should hear me loud and clear or at least half-way decently? Basically what I'm asking is if my radio receives well, does that generally mean it will transmit well to a given repeater? Thanks.