Hello. I have a question about my TYT MD-2017. Sorry if I am posting in wrong category. I have been trying to program some local DMR repeaters into my TYT MD-2017 just for listening because I don’t have my DMR ID yet. I just put my ID as 1234 in the software. I programmed the digital contacts for the repeater put them in receive groups tried both time slots on each repeater and every time I get a green light indicating I’m receiving something and I can’t hear it. I know there is not a problem with the audio on the radio because I have tested that with analog repeaters. I know a lot of people have had this problem in the past and I feel like I’ve tried everything to fix it. I’m desperately trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. I put all the digital contacts into a receive group. Could it be the DMR ID? I know I don’t have one but I know people in the past have been able to put in 1234 and still be able to listen and not transmit?!?! Please help!