SG 800Mhz
I personally believe that almost all radio traffic will be broadcast on both the old VHF freqs and the new 800 Mhz for a couple years or so, so your scanner will be able to hear almost everything (for a while) if you have the right VHF freqs in it. That being said, I do see a new scanner in your future.
Another alternative would be to scan all the 800 Mhz freqs just like conventional freqs. If there is only 1 conversation going on at a time (such as late at night or on Sundays) you will be able to follow it pretty well. The more active the 800 Mhz is, you will get bits and pieces of each conversation, making it increasingly hard to follow any of them. Not the best solution, but better than nothing.
If you get stuck, I spend time in the Red Cliffs area every couple weeks, so I might be able to help out some. Last year I spent some time near Santa Clara. A few freqs can only be heard on one side of 'the rocks' or the other, so I would need to know more precisely what area you are in. Filling in your City, County, or Area in your profile would also be a nice courtesy to the rest of us.
I have never used a BC95, but I'm sure we could figure something out.