Do they sell scanners or Shortwave radios?
Stores like Ultimate & Best buy are making a killing by bilking customers by jacking up prices on stuff like cables & TV mounts.
Saw a posting on a consumer website from an employee of Ultimate and he said that many laptops were returns, demo's and problematic repair attempts. He stated that they put all prices at FULL LIST price and THEN reducing em by 30%. Yeah, he is losing his job, but I still would be leery of spending money on something that has a NO RETURN policy for one and uncertain warranty coverage due to condition. Just my 2 cents. Caveat Emptor!
EXACTLY! Circuit City pulled this scam when they "went out of business". Ultimate Electronics will probably go the same route, have this "sale" *dripping sarcasm*, and then switch to web only sales.
You got me intersted, so I called them and found out they dont sell scanners or any type of two way radios.
Oh well..