Silent Key/KF4ANC
Rec'd my AT-D578UVIIIPro Tri-bander DMR radio yesterday. Impressive little radio, and I love the hand mic features. Jumping into dmr with both feet! I'll be using it as a base station with a Cushcraft AR-270b vertical antenna about 20-ft high on individual eave mast mount just above my radio room window, maybe a 20-ft coax run. MFJ 4035MV power supply. Attached 4 big adhesive rubber feet to it and it looks nice and stout. Can't wait to fire it up!

AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Tri-Band Amateur DMR Mobile RadioDefault Title
AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Imagine yourself sitting in your Ham Shack, the sturdy handcrafted shack you put your blood, sweat, and tears into creating. On your table lays a regular old dinky handheld. You kick it on to make a QSO and… nothing. There’s nobody there to hear from you. It’s like...