Just who's side are you guys on? There has been a number of threads on here about police use of
channels for swat and undercover work. To those that give a hoot about the safety of your forces,
these channels are best left to yourself if you happen to stumble across them.
If you think it gives you a big thrill to post them on here, think again. How would you like it if the
bad guys know the cops are coming and lay in ambush for them. Guess who is to blame for getting
someone killed? If I was on the receiving end, my first move would be to track down the poster
from this site and charge them with the crime of aiding and abetting, maybe even murder.
You need to think twice about any of these covert channels you might stumble across. You need
to think about the long range results that you may cause. You need to think about the lives at
stake here. All for seeing your name on a post, I don't think it is worth it. Your just putting peoples
lives at risk. The bad guys have learned about this site.