Uniden 325p2

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Nov 16, 2006
I recently purchased a hp2 for my new vehicle to replace a 536 that would not fit. The 536 would pick up ct state police which is p2 but simulcast. The hp2 does not pick up nearly as good. Since I don't need the 536 I am going to sell it and was looking for a handheld like the 325 to pick up these frequencies. I know the sds models pick it up but dont want to spend the $ on that. Will the 325 pick up the simulcast as good as the 536 and how is the battery life on the 325.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I recently purchased a hp2 for my new vehicle to replace a 536 that would not fit. The 536 would pick up ct state police which is p2 but simulcast. The hp2 does not pick up nearly as good. Since I don't need the 536 I am going to sell it and was looking for a handheld like the 325 to pick up these frequencies. I know the sds models pick it up but dont want to spend the $ on that. Will the 325 pick up the simulcast as good as the 536 and how is the battery life on the 325.
My experience is that the 325P2 does not handle simulcast as well as the x36HP scanners (436HP & 536HP). That's what I found in side by side testing at known problem simulcast locations in my metro area (Dallas/Fort Worth). The HP-2, which I have not included in a side by side test, would likely rank roughly equal, or maybe a bit worse) than a 325P2 or 996P2.

If the 536HP works, but simply 'does not fit' where you want to put it, then maybe get a 436HP. It's simulcast performance is on a par with the 536HP, and in my experience, better than the 325P2.

Battery life on the 325P2 is a sore spot with many people. On the average, I get a little over 3 hours on a pair of batteries. That's going to be dependent on how you use it. Display on all the time uses more power than display coming on only while receiving a transmission. Of course, the volume setting, as well as the level of activity being received also affect battery life. I'm in a dense metro urban area, so there's a lot of radio traffic. If your area is not as active (or you program fewer systems), you might get a bit better run time on a set of batteries.

All that being said, if your location happens to one where you're not smack in the middle if a problem area, a 325P2 might work acceptably. If you go with a 325, then purchase from a dealer that has a 'buyer friendly' return policy. No large restock fees, and a return window long enough for you to see how it performs before the period closes. You might also request that your thread be moved down to your state forum, so that you can get opinions from others in your vicinity as to works, or does not work, for them. To do that, do not create a new thread. Click on the Report link in the lower left of your post & request that a moderator move the thread for you.

Also, if asking in your state forum, you might need to be a little more specific in your location. Not your street address, of course, but more definite details of which town you are near.
Apr 18, 2009
I own a 325P2.

I have no issues with Simulcast Distortion at my location.

The 2 battery design limits runtime on batteries but I leave mine plugged in.

It's a great scanner!
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