I have 3 "zones" on all 9 scanners i own. Zone 1- Analog VHF, Zone 2-Missouri MOSWIN P25, Zone 3- Missouri Kansas City MARRS.
Zone 1 & 3 work no issue on all scanners.
Zone 2 on 2 of the 9 scanners stops on channels but has no audio. I plugged another scanner in and it works fine with the antenna. I have cloned other scanners to these 2 and they still do this.
I use ProScan to program the scanners and can not find out why these 2 are doing this.
Zone 1 & 3 work no issue on all scanners.
Zone 2 on 2 of the 9 scanners stops on channels but has no audio. I plugged another scanner in and it works fine with the antenna. I have cloned other scanners to these 2 and they still do this.
I use ProScan to program the scanners and can not find out why these 2 are doing this.