Welcome Jaimie
Before you get inundated with all sorts of tech jargon - every hobby has it - you should stop and read the following from our wiki (note that here, and in the wiki, all links are in blue)
Scanning 101 - The RadioReference Wiki
I suspect the 996XT will work very well for you - however you can always do better by getting comments from folks in your neck of the woods. Our RI forum is pretty sparse, so you might do better with the Scan New England forums...
Scan New England Forums
SNE has their own wiki for accumulating frequencies so it's worth checking that out too.
I would also check out...
Scan-RI : Scan Rhode Island
There are additional RI resources listed here
Rhode Island - RR Wiki collaboration
Be sure to click on the text in the large blue box at the top for the database and RI forum here.
73 (shorthand for 'best regards') Mike