Hi all, I recently got a bct15x and have been tweaking around with getting all the settings for it correctly, and I had everything working "Almost" fine the other day. Now I reprogrammed the scanner with multiples of the same system with different groups in them under different quick keys so I could essentially turn off the "topics" i didnt want to listen to at times... My only problem I am having now is that for some reason when it is scanning it will only show the system I am listening to and not the group or even the talk group. It is only showing the system and then an ID number, which doesnt really help me considering I have multiple groups attached to the same system.
Im not sure what Im doing wrong because before everything was fine the only thing I did was make duplicates of the systems and change their name.
Im not sure what Im doing wrong because before everything was fine the only thing I did was make duplicates of the systems and change their name.